You know you're chicken crazy when...


9 Years
Apr 2, 2010
Wilds of Montana
you put a pullet to warm up by the fire after it got doused with water and its under the weather.

Gosh, I hope she dries out before DH get home!
You could always hide her in the bed.

Hey, someone on here showers with her duck, and theoldchick sleeps with her chickens - it's accepted behavior.

Try telling HIM that.
Yeah, spouses. One year when I moved all of my lt brown leghorn show roosters into the cellar the Princess became somehat upset.
My husband called telling me he was on his way home. I 'fessed up and there was a pause. "Don't let her get eaten (by the Malamutes)," he said.
I told him that they were locked up for the time being.

She's dry enough to go back in a crate in the coop insulated with a towel and hay. I've given her antibiotics because she was feeling bad before getting doused with water and having trouble breathing, so she should weather the cold okay.
With four Malamutes and two cats in the house, she wouldn't stand a chance.
You know you're chicken crazy when..... A molting hen has lost so many feathers that her hen apron falls off and the simplest solution is to carry her indoors to get it back on her. Once inside I realized she had poop stuck to her skin so into a tub of warm soapy water, where more, many more feathers fall off of her. Set the the clean but now nearly naked chicken on the back door mat, she can see the flock through the glass but can dry off in the house, 10 minutes later she is gone. She certainly did not fly anywhere with 4 wing feathers. DH is reading in his favorite chair at the far end of the room, the soggy hen is standing along side of his chair preening her remaining feathers. The 2 of them spent most of the day like this, side by side. I know I am chicken crazy when chicken butt baths are no big deal but for DH, a city boy, being ok with a wet hen sitting next to him in the house, that is a very big deal! Some folks have dust bunnies, today we have chickens feathers wafting through 3 rooms. Time to vacuum!
Yeah, I realized that too when DH didn't have a problem with me moving the hatched chicks to the tub. Luckily this is our "guest" bathroom.
It's a cold rainy night, a good excuse to let two of your roosters perch/sleep at the post of your bed.
Cellar? I kept mine in the dining room! Note the kitchen chair.


You know you're chicken crazy when...

you bring a chicken into the house and it isn't even sick or injured.

I brought Beatrice in,and she spent the night in a carrier by the kitchen back door. I actually liked hearing her *talk*.

I kept my peeps in the laundry room in a playpen.

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