You may be a country gal if . . .

Barker do you have sidewalks? That is a funny story!!! Some people don't "get" me either. Oh well. Especially when I tell them we are moving the Phelan - they look at me like I'm nuts to wanna live out there.
Phelan is awesome! You can't get more country in the desert than Phelan (well, with sane people anyway). ha ha

We do have sidewalks, but not sure why. We are 1/2 acre minimum lots zoned as large-lot residential and were built as a subdivision. But, we are surrounded by 2.5+ acres (many are 5+ acres) zoned for rural. The only sidewalks for miles around makes for very busy Halloweens!
Now, about the "spit" thing . . .

We were checking out some hives that we'd left in the woods over the winter. When I opened them, there were little mouse babies looking up at me. Needless to say, there were nests and lots of mouse doo, too.

I wasn't expecting this, but we had a job to do. AND my hand sanitizer had dried up on the dash. What was I to do until we got home, I ask you?!
My wife is not there yet but I am working on her. She will have her first baby next week......20 chicks......we will see how she does
Funny story..
at my daughter's last conference with her teacher, I was asked why I let my kid particpate in the Collection of the roosters..
guess she had made a big deal about it at school...
Cheyenne knows more about breeding than most adults do, and she is 10, between the chickens and the dogs..
That's funny! There's a story in our family that my Grandfather protested the sidewalk being put in with a shotgun and a scowl. Not sure if it's true or not...... but there is no sidewalk

I'm on my way to matching that list! LOL
I can definitely identify with the majority of that list! And many of your additions.
Oh and the peeing in the field/by the truck/etc - I've done that all my life! My started me on that when I was a little girl at the barn.

... you know how to change your own flat tire, change the oil in your vehicle, do a complete tune-up, & replace your own brake pads/shoes (or even better ... you can complete an engine swap)

... you know how to build fence and how to repair it when it breaks

... you know how to operate a tractor & drive a standard vehicle

.... you know how to back a trailer or piece of equipment

There are more, I'm sure...

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