You might be a “Southie” if...

Before I retired, I worked in the Alzheimer's unit at the local nursing home. I was surprised how many of the residents were from Golden City, a town famous for its cafe's pies. I am thinking all that lard or Crisco in the crusts might be bad for the brain as well......
Nope, wasn't the lard or was the Aluminium pie pans or from cooking with aluminium pots.
Where do you live, Alabama or Michigan? I’m a Alabamian, transplanted from Georgia, but I’ve lived in <takes a big breath> NJ, AZ, AK, MA, OK, GA, AL. Whew! That list leaves me breathless!
Hey, Ralphie, what am I considered since I have lived in ALL those states? 🤣
I live in Dora, Alabama. But I used to live in Michigan. I tried to change my location on here, but couldnt figure it out. :)

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