You might be a “Southie” if...

You might be a Southie...
if you can handle the HEAT.
Now this is where my yankee roots show. I melt here. I go back to Michigan to visit, and I freeze to death. I have ZERO cold tolerance, yet I melt here.
All yankee's complain about the heat but a year later and we get cold weather they complain about how it's 'too cold' here! :lau
I have also kept bees in the past and my problem wasn't so much that they froze over winter but that they swarmed every single year. They just didn't like it here.
Honey bees are actually non native to the Americas. We have lots of native bees, but they don't make hives and produce honey the way European honey bees do. We live on the very margin of their survivability up here.
Nope, wasn't the lard or was the Aluminium pie pans or from cooking with aluminium pots.
Oh boy... All our pots and pans in the school kitchen are aluminum. 😲
Before I retired, I worked in the Alzheimer's unit at the local nursing home. I was surprised how many of the residents were from Golden City, a town famous for its cafe's pies. I am thinking all that lard or Crisco in the crusts might be bad for the brain as well......
Tainted pies would be the last thing on my list of things wrong with living in Golden City. 😂
I never understood what was so great about that Cafe over there anyway.
I never thought it was all that. Now that lady did used to make a great pie... She was in the nursing home in my town when I worked there lol. she did not pass along her pie making skills to whoever makes them now.
They look beautiful but they sure don't taste very good.
And the back to the lard situation...
That is a place you want to pack your toothbrush if you're going to eat there.
I cannot handle the greasy feeling on my teeth long enough to get back home. 🤣🤣
You might be a Southie...
if you can handle the HEAT.
Now this is where my yankee roots show. I melt here. I go back to Michigan to visit, and I freeze to death. I have ZERO cold tolerance, yet I melt here.
WHAT? It ain’t even hot down south in the summer, only 105 degrees max, come to The CA valley though and get 125 max.

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