You might be a....Birdneck...

I LOVE those nest boxes!! Very cute!! Love the additions to the birdneck thread too....might have to combine them all together one day and make a book
.............If you can take one look at your flock of two dozen chickens in the evening and know exactly how many and who is missing from the scratch yard......and then go in search of them before closing the gate for the night.....You might be a Birdneck. (Some things just become instinctual after awhile

.............If you've ever spent a half hour arguing with the store manager of your local feed store about why he needs to carry more chicken related items....You might be a Birdneck (Yes, I've done this. Even contacted the TSC HQ to complain that they didn't carry enough chicken stuff!

.............If you've ever spent over $300 on insulation, water dish heaters and heat lamps, just so that your chickens won't be cold when the January nights dip down to -20.....You might be a Birdneck

.............If you've ever braved near blizzard conditions to take out a cooked breakfast of oatmeal, mixed veggies, scrambled eggs and fresh mung bean sprouts to your girls, just so they can have a nice hot meal to start the day and a little variety....You might be a Birdneck! (The husband often complains that the birds eat better than he does in the winter!

............If you've ever grown an entire garden of nothing but lettuce, spinach, chard, cabbage and peas, just for your chickens.....You might be a Birdneck!

...........If you've ever let the chickens loose in the compost heap because you know they do a much better job of turning it than you'll ever do.....You might be a Birdneck!

And......If you consider a "Staycation" at home with your flock to be 100 times better than a Caribbean cruise.....You might be a Birdneck!
Very cute thread!

......If your idea of a romantic evening is sitting in the backyard watching your chicks play! ( my DH & I do this about every evening

......When you can leave work early to hurry home with feed because you were out and your chicks were HUNGRY!!! (happened to me yesterday!

.....If you spend more time on BYC than you do cleaning your house! (happens to me all the time!

.....If you have more pics on your digital camera of chickens than you do your grandchildren! (guilty!
If you're willing to pull up a wood floor plank in your barn just so you can see your broody might be a birdneck. (This really happened yesterday....she decided thats where she wants to be.)
OMG you guys, these are all so true!@!!!!!!!!~~~~!!! I CAN RELATE TO MOST OF THESE!!!! And wouldnt feel like a wierdo on 99.9% of them. I think I have found my home of friends. lol. I have done so many of these things that we all keep laughing about. I spent 6 hours cleaning my coop for 12 after my new bad of Purina crumbles had MAJOR mites in it. I dont even spend that much time on my downstairs!!!!!


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