You'll Never Believe This!!!!


11 Years
Apr 18, 2008
Triad, NC
My chicks are three days old and already I've found a rooster!

I have ten chicks in my homemade brooder. The brooder has a stuffed bear inside that the chicks love climbing under for sleep or to hop on just to hang out.

Well one of my little three day-old chicks hopped upon the bear, flapped his wings, and let out the tiniest CROW i've ever heard. I thought I must be going insane!!! My eyes widened and sharpened on the little chick. He stood proudly for a few seconds...and there it was again...neck stretched...a CROW!!!

Has this ever happened to anyone!?!?! It this God's work? I'm off to get my camera RIGHT now!!! I hope I can catch it!

Oh WOW! Three days old? I have to see! Hurry and try to catch the little guy doing it! How awesome is that! Too bad the little buggers don't always crow so young, it would make sexing a heck of a lot easier! LOL.
WoW! Ese didn't crow till he was about five months old....and it was the sweetest screech....he was perched on my leg and crowed three times just like he was supposed to! I have the following day recorded on my phone and made more people listen to it than I want to admit sounded like a wind-up metal godzilla the time the state farm crowing contest came up he was a pro....but I thought it would be funny to enter this barely audible screecher!!! Luckily Ese is fairly lazy and doesn't crow until 7....although he's been more on top of it since he had babies....he keeps them on the move
The first time I had seen it. I thought...Lemme grab my camera phone! And then I mustve been him trying to get out a poo or something...

No poo...but a few seconds later there it was....
The babe on the bear crowing!

Of course, THEN, I thought, I need my REAL camera. Got back...and he was pecking around being a chick again....

But wow.
momma's chickens :

Oh wow, and I am IMpatiently waiting for my rooster who is 7 weeks old to crow. I know I may have a long wait!

I'm waiting for mine's first crow, too, but of course it will be like wanting a child to talk, then wishing they didn't!!!​

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