Young Buff Orpingtons belonging to my son's family are lethargic, not eating, not drinking, and are


Apr 6, 2015
My son's just purchased 10 Buff Orpingtons and they are dying. My daughter-in-law said they are lethargic, not eating and not drinking. I have read similar posts and have passed along the suggestions of feeding them sugar water and egg yolks. Does anyone know what is going on with my grandchicks and have any other advice to offer. Thank you.
Are they too hot or too cold? Do they have enough space? What kind of brooder are they in? How old are they?

They should have ample room to get away from heat source, Chick Savr or similar electrolyte is good to put in the water the first few days. You need to gently dip their beak in it so they understand where the water is. I assume you have chick starter feed. Not sure I would do egg yolk but I'm not an expert just someone that has 3 three week olds that are doing great.

More details are needed to assess!
They purchased them just this past weekend. The chicks are in a 110-gallon stock tank with a heat lamp. They do not act like they are too cold or hot and have plenty of room. They have raised chickens to maturity before, so I they have some successful experience. Yes, they are feeding them the chick starter feed. This is the second group of birds they have bought within just a few weeks. There was a chick killing other chicks in the first group. Now with this little flock, they have lost three and say that three more are acting sickly. My daughter-in-law says that she is going to go get medication for them tomorrow. I will pass along the suggestions of electrolytes and Chick Savr. Thank you very much for taking the time to try to help. : )

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