Young chicken eye is closed, other starting to shut, looks like she's having trouble breathing

I don't think it was stress. Sounds to me like the little one wasn't 100% when you got it. So don't beat yourself up. So are your chicks day olds??? I'd suggest you get at least 1 more. The reason I say this is that silkies are very hard to sex .... So they are sold straight run as chicks. If your little one turns out to be a roo you'd be bummed!!!

As far as brooding them. Here is my advice I know everyone says make sure they are warm enough blah blah blah. I say make sure the brooder is big enough so they can get far away from the heat source! If you watch chicks with a mama hen they pop out from under her and run around after a day or so. There is no light in the coop making it 90 degrees everywhere. Just make sure there is a nice warm spot and they will go there if they need to warm up. Chicks raised by a hen feather much faster as they arent kept über warm :D
I think it makes them heartier..... I would also get some unpasturized apple cider vinegar and start adding it to their water. It provides all sorts of good vitamIns and electrolytes.... The stronger healthier start your chicks get the stronger and healthier they will be as adults!!

Clean out the brooder often and handle them as much as you want!! It makes them really friendly as adults.

Good luck keep me posted.
Yeah, the little barr seemed like it was, and I know this isnt so but lack of better terms, a rut of the litter as apposed to the others. The two new little chicks seem to be doing great, as well as the old roo, their all getting kind of spoiled along with my other pets. I do have a question about a brooder and such, sould I put something in with them to kind of play on, such as some crooked branches, a dust bath, ect...?
They are so cute!!! They must be about 1-2weeks old?? Yes they love to jump on stuff and a small training perch is great for them .... But anything to give them something to do! I also like to put a small container of dirt or sand in with them .... They will start dust bathing .... It always amazes me that they know how without someone teaching them! Did you name them?
So I dont have to get in a big bowl of dirt to teach them, whew, glad to hear that, I was just getting ready to get undressed LOL. Yeah, The silkie is named Tori, the polish is Matilda. Something about that puffy hair the name seems to fit. They just started to jump at each other once in awhile, didnt know if their fighting, playing or pecking order?

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