Young hen limping - no obvious sign of injury


Oct 19, 2010
California Central Coast
Woke up this morning to "sweetheart, your Rosebud is limping"... !!! :(

The hen is approximately 7 months old. Rest of flock is mixed ages, one ancient buff orpington, 2 4 yr olds, 1 3 yr old, and two more 7 month olds. We think she laid her first egg earlier this week, but not 100 percent sure. She is a blue laced red wyandotte.

She can't put weight on / is favoring her left leg. I checked her all over and no sign of bumblefoot, no cuts, no obvious injury, no swelling or heat, the leg feels intact and normal. No sign of leg mites or any kind of parasite or infection, she was hand-raised quarantine baby so she is very easy to handle and she let me check her over very thoroughly. No obvious sign of egg bound, abdomen feels normal, no heat, no smell discharge or sign of any blockage in the vent (I have successfully treated an egg bound maran once in the past).

All I can figure is soft tissue injury maybe she got it hung up on something and yanked it or landed wrong on it. The roost is not super high, about waist level or a little lower on me and they have a lower roost and boxes they can use to get up to it so they don't *have* to fly down. If anyone was gonna hurt themselves jumping off I would have thought it would be my big elderly buff.

I have her isolated in a crate and partially covered so she can stand to stretch or move just a little but not to much as I want her to rest it. (obviously she's got food and water) and I will continue to check her through-out the day, unfortunately my bird vet doesn't work weekends. Right now my plan is just to keep her isolated and see how she does and if she's still limping / squat hobbling on Monday I will call my vet.

Am I missing anything? Anything else I should check or try?

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