Young Hen Stopped Laying


In the Brooder
Aug 23, 2020
I have a young flock, hatched 3/11/20. All are very healthy and laying at the appropriate age. I have a Black Australorp that started laying beautiful eggs at 4 months. She was laying very consistently but stopped laying about 6 weeks ago. This also happened to be about the time our one rooster started mounting the hens, all but my Australorp. No weather change, all are healthy, good diet, no new laying spots, ect. She gets along with the flock and I would consider her the top hen as they follow her everywhere. I have 13 in my flock with one young rooster. Thoughts?
They are all laying except my black/blue orpington who should start next month. They have Purina Laying Crumbles, grit, scratch, mealworms (morning time), little cottage cheese in the morning(mostly for my EE that has a crooked and hooked beak). They have half an acre to run in with a covered dust bath area to stay cool in. I am getting 5 -7 eggs a day right now. I have 10 different breeds. My White Cochin is the only one who seems left out of the flock and she is the rooster's favorite.

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