Young Rooster Woes

The saddles do help, I make my own (no eyes). Just wanted to say that if I read your initial post correctly you have 4 hens and 1 rooster? That is a very low ratio and can lead to over breeding and rough looking or injured hens. A better ratio is about 10 to 1. Some roo's will calm down, some are just rough always, time will tell. Give them as much space as possible, make sure the roo's claws and spurs are trimmed and not sharp, monitor your hens closely so if someone does get hurt you find it early, they can also get hurt under the wings and it's not always obvious unless you look. If he starts injuring hens you may need to separate him. Feathers should grow back at the next molt, assuming the damage doesn't recur. Looks like she's a favorite of his.
The saddles do help, I make my own (no eyes). Just wanted to say that if I read your initial post correctly you have 4 hens and 1 rooster? That is a very low ratio and can lead to over breeding and rough looking or injured hens. A better ratio is about 10 to 1. Some roo's will calm down, some are just rough always, time will tell. Give them as much space as possible, make sure the roo's claws and spurs are trimmed and not sharp, monitor your hens closely so if someone does get hurt you find it early, they can also get hurt under the wings and it's not always obvious unless you look. If he starts injuring hens you may need to separate him. Feathers should grow back at the next molt, assuming the damage doesn't recur. Looks like she's a favorite of his.

Yeah, that's what I'm hearing more and more - about the 10 to 1 ratio. We're going to to do that - get more hens. I'm hoping he will calm down. Fingers crossed! Thank you :)

My Sweetie has an injury. Two days ago a fox was in the yard. All the birds seemed OK. But today I found a major injury under one of Sweetie's wings. I think this is from the rooster's aggressive behavior with her, but not 100%. Is this something she can come back from?


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My Sweetie has an injury. Two days ago a fox was in the yard. All the birds seemed OK. But today I found a major injury under one of Sweetie's wings. I think this is from the rooster's aggressive behavior with her, but not 100%. Is this something she can come back from?
How is she acting? Is she in shock? Can she stand and walk? Is the neck twisted down or can she move it normally?

Clean it with Vetericyn, saline, weakend betadine, or chlorhexidene and water. Dry, then apply plain triple antibiotic/ neosporin ointment twice a day. It may heal well if no blood vessels or internal damage has been done.
This is what has been recommended before in similar situations. However, the hen in this situation had the injury on her neck I assume the same would apply for your hens wing. I would also recommend posting this issue in a new thread so you can get more help. Also i assume it isn't bleeding anymore if it is i would recommend blue coat to keep other hens from pecking at it. Hope she gets better!
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This is a typical cockerel mating injury. Have you checked your other hens to make sure they are not also harbouring injuries. This is exactly what @coach723 warned might happen. Yes she should recover but it will need cleaning and antibiotic ointment applying on a regular basis and the cockerel will need removing to prevent it getting opened up again. Another member @FlyingNunFarm documented her treatment of a similar injury using honey and granulated sugar and she placed stockingette over the bird to keep dressings in place and cut holes for the wings to fit through to keep it in place. I will see if I can find her thread, so that you can read it....

Here it is...
Thank you for that! That was a serious healing on the bird in that link. If anything, I feel more confident and assured there are ways to come back from those kinds of injuries. I have come to the realization that we're going to trade the roo for hens. We didn't need him for our egg flock to begin with. Lesson learned.
I can say my girl is as healthy and sassy as ever! She gives me lovely eggs almost every day.
It's amazing what they can recover from.
Now that you have a hen saver you could use it to mock up a pattern for your own saddles. I sewed my own to save on money and make them quicker.
Keep at it with your girl. It takes some time but they can recover.
I keep hearing about people making their own. I wanted to ask someone who has used them before, how long do you leave it on? All day and then take it off before bed? Or do you leave them on for days?

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