Young Rooster Woes

I keep hearing about people making their own. I wanted to ask someone who has used them before, how long do you leave it on? All day and then take it off before bed? Or do you leave them on for days?
I used a cross strap or double strap saddle. Once on I left it until they got it filthy or rather wet. Once they are used to them they don't seem to mind. I had read where some people recommend using a similar color to the bird itself. That way the other birds don't notice. I sort of went with that. I had darker ones for darker birds and lighter for my Wheaten colors. But no one seemed to notice.
Yeah, that was realized shortly after too. If she won't do the trade, she said she would originally but things change, then we'll have our first roo dinner for sure. :( It's still kind of hard to get a grip on it all going this way, but that's the reality of it.
If he's young and full if hormones that can any male a little crazy. If he's injuring the girls because he's inexperienced and clumsy that should change with age. If you can't get rid of him, or can't eat him, it's always a good excuse to get more girls.
Yes, it does take a bit of getting your head around processing birds that you have raised yourself, especially when it was not your intention to raise meat birds but it makes more sense for you to have a meal out of him that someone else get a free meal. If you can wrangle a swap for some hens though, then go for it and good luck!
Ah, yep. I see how that could happen. Thank you.

Moving forward without the rooster, the plan is to limit the free range time because of the fox threat. Noon to late afternoon at least. We saw the fox in the morning so.. that probably means nothing but it's all I've got for clues for now. Worse case scenario, they stay in their coop and we bring them all their food and thank goodness for all our great eggs.
As far as the saddles go, I make mine out of outdoor fabric (like sunbrella). I watch for sales and get whatever is available that will work, ugly or not, you can make quite few out of a yard of fabric. It sheds water, cleans up well, the tight weave does not catch on pin feathers. Mine last a very long time, get washed, I do sometimes have to replace the elastic. I put a thin layer of batting between layers which helps it stay in place better. The advantage of making your own is being able to customize for a particular bird if needed. I leave them on as long as necessary until feathers cover the area again. I have a couple of escape artists who manage to get them off occasionally, probably with rooster help, other than that no problems. Here is a link to a pattern if you want to make your own. A heavy canvas or denim would work also, but would not shed water as well. I have torrential thunderstorms so shedding water reasonably well was a priority for me. Also provides protection from sunburn on the bare spots.
Hope your wounded girl recovers well.

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