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what is the name, and age of your favorite chicken, and why is she your favorite?
Celestia, 2 years old on March 11, the one in my pfp btw! I love her because she is so sweet! When I lift her up to go on my lap, sometimes she lays down. After she's done resting, she does her "traditional" jump which I call the Celestial Jump!!😂 I also love Kiki who always pecks super hard on my knee so that I can lift her up and put her on my lap! I love all my babies though the same, but they are my most sweetest!
Celestia, 2 years old on March 11, the one in my pfp btw! I love her because she is so sweet! When I lift her up to go on my lap, sometimes she lays down. After she's done resting, she does her "traditional" jump which I call the Celestial Jump!!😂 I also love Kiki who always pecks super hard on my knee so that I can lift her up and put her on my lap! I love all my babies though the same, but they are my most sweetest!
Awww! I knew you would say Celestia!

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