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😭😭😭😭 that made me cryyy I said drama not tear jerkers! 😭😭😭😭😭😭
I had a rooster similar. RIP Akira

Akira was a silkie rooster, black, and to say the least, tiny. He saved hens twice in his life. The first time he was with an elderly hen who could barely walk and didn’t lay anymore. It was somewhat windy, but we let them out to free range a little anyway. I was in my room where I could look out the window and see them. I looked out, and notice him herding her into their coop, and thought nothing of it. When i looked again, a giant bird was on top of him, just outside their run. I ran outside and screamed for my mom, where we shooed a big vulture away, and stared at limp Akira, thinking he was dead. Suddenly he jumped up, and ran to see if the hen was okay. He was pretending to be dead to draw attention away from the weak hen! We couldn’t believe it.

The next time was months later, late fall, after that hen had sadly died. He was in a coop with several other roosters and around twenty hens. One night he started herding the chickens in, including the younger roosters, and stood guard outside the coop door, when a possum attacked. He guarded the hens and the other roosters who were too afraid to come out, and he died from wounds after literally fighting it off. Feathers were everywhere, and he was really beat up.
Days later I spotted a possum coming back to strike again, and we got our revenge with a 22 and a shovel.

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