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Yeah. I get it. You hate prebuilts. I'm fine with them so long as I'm not the one paying. Gives me something to poke fun at and get mad at with very little consequences.
They have their place. Schools hand out Chromebooks like candy to kids whose parents paid the insurance and they know it. Businesses who are paying for support contracts and treat the hardware as a commodity and a line item on the taxes. They're fine in the hands of people who literally don't care about them and only watch the youtubes and do emails.

They're also fine for kids who are learning the tech and how things work together, or people who are curating them as a hobby.

Pretty much everyone else can probably build or have someone build them a better rig for the price of prebuilt.

And don't get me started on Apple's train wreck.
They have their place. Schools hand out Chromebooks like candy to kids whose parents paid the insurance and they know it. Businesses who are paying for support contracts and treat the hardware as a commodity and a line item on the taxes. They're fine in the hands of people who literally don't care about them and only watch the youtubes and do emails.

They're also fine for kids who are learning the tech and how things work together, or people who are curating them as a hobby.

Pretty much everyone else can probably build or have someone build them a better rig for the price of prebuilt.

And don't get me started on Apple's train wreck.
I have one 2012 Chromebook. Comparing it to new Chromebooks, the 2012 one is way more like a real computer and beats the other ones in upgradability. The new ones are meant for cheap pieces of junk (in the eyes of tech nerds) and disposability.

Mmm, Apple? I stuck a SSD in a 2010 Mac mini. Don't. Just. Don't. I hate the way it's done there, and I assume it's worse the newer they get.
I'll be sure to switch you to iOS and macOS since you love both of them :p
I have one 2012 Chromebook. Comparing it to new Chromebooks, the 2012 one is way more like a real computer and beats the other ones in upgradability. The new ones are meant for cheap pieces of junk (in the eyes of tech nerds) and disposability.

Mmm, Apple? I stuck a SSD in a 2010 Mac mini. Don't. Just. Don't. I hate the way it's done there, and I assume it's worse the newer they get.
I'll be sure to switch you to iOS and macOS since you love both of them :p
I would rather use OS2/Warp while standing naked in Times Square.

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