Your duck pen....

Aviary netting is up all the way around and I’m sleeping a little better at night!
Oh... and this happened!
I agree it needs to be more secure, hardware cloth around & on top of the pen & paving stones or something secure to keep predators from digging underneath. I've also learned the hard way with losing my 2 ducks to a raccoon
I did bury the hardware cloth all the way around and have a few pavers around but I think I will add the pavers all the way around. I added an aviary netting to the top secured with some serious clips.
I used zip ties in certain areas but to secure the netting to the fencing I wanted something wider so I used the clips intended for sunscreen fabric. I found them next to the fabric in the outdoor area at Lowe’s and they worked really well. I plan to add a strip of that fabric over the house area as well.

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