your experiences with Brahma roosters?

OK... one month later...

So, got a Dark Brahma cockerel. Quarantined. cutie. gangly teenager. he's now 6 months old.

Introduced him to the 13 chickens

I put him in the coop at night, was there in the morning when they all woke up. He could not believe his luck!! 13 girls!!! He tried mounting them right away, only to be pecked at and scared off each time. he spent the first day inside the coop, literally making crying sounds... poor thing...

Next day, he tried a more romantic approach, pecking at a plant and calling the girls. I noticed he was pecking at a hosta - poisonous - so I shooed him away. luckily my free ranging girls are smart and didn't eat the hosta bites he was trying to poison them with.

and this is going on and on... the older 6 hens don't allow him to come near, so he is staying with the 7 younger ones, who tolerate him but don't let him mate... this is going on for a week, and now he doesn't even try to find food for the girls or anything. he is the first to run for treats, and eats it all himself. he is in love with my only Brahma girl (birds of a feather stick together?) - he tries to roost close to her, follows her, but is not trying to mate her... will he change?

WOW!! I think that's JUST what my Bianco will look like when he's older He's Brahma X RIR. Your Butters sounsd great!

Here's Bianco at around 14 weeks:

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I have a Brahma hen, the roo had to go to the family farm (because of the crowing) We didn't know he was a roo as a chick....

Anyways, he's a wonderful rooster and very sweet. He eats right out of my hand and gets really excited when he hears my voice or my daughter's. We see him about once a month now. I just saw him last weekend and he is crowing wonderful now and is a big sweetie. He's more friendly than my hen is.

Here are a couple vids. Sorry it is sideways, I taped with my cell phone camera and don't know how to get it rotated... This is in my in-laws coop.

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He's young yet, give him time. And yes, when they are unhappy brahma roos can make the most pitiful sounding cries.
Hi Gritsar,

I'll give him time. I had never heard a chicken "cry" before, it broke my heart!!! Poor thing...
Hi Gritsar,

I'll give him time. I had never heard a chicken "cry" before, it broke my heart!!! Poor thing...

My Thor made me mad one time, and one time only. I shut him up in the coop and let his girls free range. He cried all day.
give him time to settle in and for the girls all of them to accept him as a mature rooster.. he is still young. his showing off is done and now its time to build his place int he flock.. nature will take care of this for you.. one day you'll just notice everything is going right..

good luck have fun with him...
We just got our first batch of chicks and our main purpose is eggs with the option of meat if needed occasionaly.
We got two st. run brahmas hoping one is a rooster and four blue rock hens. In the hopes that we end up with five hens and one brahma rooster. We chose these breeds due to friendliness and we have small children that are excited to interact with chickens. We have lots of friends and families that have chickens so we are not entirely newbies.
My main question here is that albeit the brahma roosters are generally calm, is five hens not enough? I have heard from some folks that generally speaking we don't have enough hens. However if the brahma rooster is docile like we are hoping we may be okay and simply need to separate him for three days a week if we see our hens being roughed up too much.
Looking for advice from my fellow Brahma owners here.
Thank you in advance.

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