Your opinion Best Backyard chicken breeds? free range, friendly, docile, good egg layers and color

I don’t free range but I got 10 hens and I’ll tell you my Easter Egger lay eggs like machines and they are so tame and nice, I had once a batham and that little thing was noise like the devil lol she was such beauty but had to get rid of her too noise and my neighbors complaint.

I wish I could get an easter egger! I've looked so hard for them, but they're impossible to find in the UK:hit The feathers on bathams can be so beautiful! But I can imagine my neighbors would be same if any of ours got too noisey 😫
:welcome :frowWelcome to all of the new members. @WVBirdsAndBees is correct. I would choose the breeds you want. Everyone is different as well as their situations. There are a few breeds of birds that tend to be more flighty such as Leghorns but even they can mellow out some depending on how they are handled, and indeed every bird will have it's own unique personality. They will work out their pecking order. I have certain breeds that I raise to show at poultry shows. I interact with my birds daily. Some don't want to be touched and some look forward to that little pat. It appears you are starting off with chicks or eggs to hatch. Again, good luck and have fun...

Thank you! I'm really hoping at least one of the chicks I raise will end up being petable, trying to max out the likelihood by getting breeds that are more likely going to be calm, docile and friendly! :fl

I can see though how socialization, care and training are the biggest factors. I've seen the cutest video on youtube of a white leghorn hen running up to and leaning into their owner on sight (almost hugging :love)! So I can see how flightly or more active breeds can end up being super sweet too.
Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry. :hugs She looks beautiful, was she a Rhode Island Red?

I will definitely will be using the pen then! Even though our garden is really closed off (they would have to scale a 10ft wall or a 8ft fence), I can imagine how crafty and daring foxes can be. I'm so glad I persuaded the family to help me fully fortify the garden!

I so sorry you had such a horrible experience with foxes, and lost a wonderful chicken. But thank you for sharing, it really helped me understand the need for a secure coop :)
Yes, she was a RIR. :love
Thank you! I'm really hoping at least one of the chicks I raise will end up being petable, trying to max out the likelihood by getting breeds that are more likely going to be calm, docile and friendly! :fl

I can see though how socialization, care and training are the biggest factors. I've seen the cutest video on youtube of a white leghorn hen running up to and leaning into their owner on sight (almost hugging :love)! So I can see how flightly or more active breeds can end up being super sweet too.
My Gladys would almost trip me to get me to pick her up. She liked to ride on the tractor too.
Don't free range Easter Eggers / Ameracaunas unless you don't mind them escaping during the day and ravaging the rest of your yard! Otherwise there are many lists out there which tell you the temperaments of birds- in general- so you can look for ones that fit your style.
Do look at the sites @cmom recommended!
I love Speckled Sussex, and they should be easy to find. Also French Marans for those dark eggs (not the clean legged cuckoo Marans). I don't know what's available for you in green or blue egglayers, but you can find out. I've never had Dorkings, but they look interesting. Also Australorps, and maybe Orphinhtons. Welsummers, and Favorelles, who are very sweet.
I don't have much experience with cold climate birds, as I live in the desert, but I think all these breeds should be okay. I generally make my breed choices off of personality, eggs, and appearance (in that order).

For brown eggs, I love black australorps and gold sex links. Every one I've had has been very friendly and bold. My current sex link has almost no fear, just curiosity, and is constantly following me around the yard. So far, I've found that behavior to be very stereotypical of the breed. I don't have any australorps right now (even though they're one of my favorites), but they are hardy birds with small combs and some meat, so they should fare well in cold weather. They are super sweet, too. Both are great layers.

Marans and Welsummers should give you darker brown eggs. I've only had one of each, so I don't know if my bird's personalities are stereotypical of the breed or not. They're beautiful birds, though, and I get a pretty steady flow of eggs from the both of them.

For green eggs, I was going to recommend Easter Eggers, but I see that you can't find any in the UK. If you do come across any, or if anyone else is looking here for suggestions, they're one of my favorite breeds. My current girl gives me about 5-6 eggs a week, all a nice shade of green. They come in all sorts of beautiful colors and are pretty gentle. It should be noted that, in my experience, EEs are very intelligent. This is definitely reflected in who figures out how to get into the garden or treat bucket. :rolleyes:

Hope this helps a little! Good luck!
I've heard buff orpingtons have a lovely temperament (plus they're so fluffy!). Sadly Easter eggers are almost impossible to get in the UK :hit Marans sound fantastic (definitely on the short list 👍). Haven't heard of austra whites, will do some research! Thank you :love


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