Your opinion...

Why don't you call the landlord and explain that they have pitbulls and that you want him to understand that they hurt a child or one of your animals and his insurance will need to be able to pay medical and repair costs. Tell him what your neighbors said about attacking.. Don't threaten just tell him as matter of factly as possible! Insurance companies HATE this type of animal..
See the trick to that is danes CAN be labeled aggressive dogs...alot of those dog legislations include MY breed in it just b/c of their size & the LAST thing I need to do is draw attn to my own animals when it could turn on me...I have to be smart about it.
P.S. NONE of my danes are the least bit aggressive
I'd keep a look out...

I live out in the country... and have neighbors that arent very fond of my birds. They always threaten to kill them...
and then they joke around to me and say that one of these days if they set foot in their yard theyre going to eat them.
Nobody is going to mess with my birds.
There would be some trouble if someone purposely hurt my birds.
Just thought I'd let you all know I don't have to worry about the neighbor's pitts anymore...they got out tonite & gt in a neighbor's garage...neighors called cops b/c they were scared...cops came, dogs approached them aggressivly BAM cops shot them...1 dead 1 near dead @ ER vet now.

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