You're chicken crazy when.....

“Here was day one... aww and day 3! You can already see their growth! Here we have them eating their feed for the first time... oh and there they are outside the first time. OH, and here we have them when they moved out full time.. and then we have them in their first rain. There they are when we switched them to Layer feed! So big! Oh and here’s the FIRST EGG! And here’s Lucy posing at the feeder.... Oh, and there you can see Henriettas back end! Oh and look! Right there, if you really look hard enough, you can see Maple pecking Opal! Oh and here we have them from this morning, pecking my boots...”

You feel like Your showing pictures of your grandkids in your wallet 🤣
Oh my goodness I had a Lucy and I have an Opal! Love those names!

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