yuppie neighbors

Sounds like my SIL, she called the police on my ducks, twice!
Of course I don't let my ducks cross the street, and try vert hard to make sure they don't go over there, but it happens sometimes, give me a break, she has more wild ducks and geese land in her yard and poop in her yard then my few ducks ever did. They only went a few feet on to her property. She lied to the police and said they are there every day, and even poop on her porch. I can guarantee my ducks never stepped foot on her porch.
Some people shouldn't live in the country!
My stepmother hides in the bushes and jumps out at the four wheelers that go down my brothers gas well road, and screams at them to get off her property! She will go as far as jumping in her car and chasing after them! Glad my Dad isn't alive to witness their behavior(SIL's and stepmother), he wouldn't stand for it!
Just tell her that her store-bought eggs come from a chicken's butt. Bet she doesn't know that. So, raccoons, opossums, squirrels, mice and wild birds don't "poo" in her yard? What? Does she have some sort of yuppie force field? Oh, make sure you record roosters crowing and after the real ones are gone, be sure to play that for her.... loudly and EARLY. Then let her call the town on you. After she does that a few times and they don't find roosters, they'll write her off as a nut case.

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