Zane Made REAL Progress (New Pics Pg 99)!RIP Lorelei...

Glad your dad is doing ok and that Zane is making progress! Take care of yourself and your hubby.

I am so glad to hear the great news about Zane! I also think Zane crowing was a message from God, that things are going to get better.

I am sorry that your dad lost his leg, but with the love and support from his family, friends, he'll do just fine.

Keep the faith!

Yay Zane! So glad to hear he is getting back to normal.

I am so glad your dad did well with the surgery. I know the worry as I am waiting on news of my dad's surgical date now. He must have a defribrillator installed because is heart is only functioning at about 25% of normal. So say a prayer for him and I shall keep your dad and Zane in my prayers and thoughts.
Cetawin, sure hope your dad comes through his surgery as well as mine did! It's very stressful for you, I know, but please let us know how he does.
Tiffany, I bet your boy will heal up just fine with enough time, especially if he is standing up. That's a good sign! And using both legs while dustbathing is also great. I just didnt know how much time to give Zane and there were times I thought he was doomed, but my sweetie-roo has such a will to live and such a winning personality and attitude, I should have known he'd be on the upswing before long. It's been probably six weeks since he crowed the last time and I sure did miss it. Two of the six week old cockerels also crowed for the very first time, answering Suede and Zane this morning, a sound I love to hear!
Cetawin, good thoughts for your father. Certainly a stressful situation.

SpeckledHen, I am so happy that Zane is coming through this. You had really had your work cut out for you, and I'm glad that you had positive result. Life is precious, isn't it, no matter who's life, or what's life.

Such a terrific update Cyn, I hope your Dad continues with an easy recovery!
I'm SO GLAD ZANE is getting better!
You'll like this-I felt sorry for Zane when he was in the garden because he kept looking at all the pretty ladies outside the fence looking in at him. I decided to take Gypsy, my Ameraucana hen Charlotte's daughter, in to see him since Gypsy is one of the sweetest, mildest mannered pullets I have. She drank from his waterer and Zane did a darn good rooster dance on his hocks, complete with wing-drag, LOL. It was so cute! If he's flirting, he's feeling MUCH better!

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