Zane Made REAL Progress (New Pics Pg 99)!RIP Lorelei...

What GREAT news!!! You know he's coming back if he's crowing! I'm so happy to hear the news!!

And I'm glad your dad made it through surgery without complications!
I just caught up on this thread.

I'm sorry to hear about Loralei, it is so devastating, but relieving in the same turn, when they pass away in your arms.

That's what happened with my Lucas, I begged him and cried for him not to leave me...
...I'm glad he wasn't alone tho.

I'm glad to see that your dad is recovering well from the surgery.

I'm so pleased to hear that Zane is recovering as well. He knows how much you love him and I believe he is fighting for you! You will be his main hen now, just like I was for Lucas!

They always say, that god never gives us more than we can bare.....but he has really thrown you some curve balls recently!

I'm battling with one of my hens as we speak. I brought her in after a mystery injury, she couldn't walk. She recovered to some extent, but is now very wobbly and can't go back out with the others. They see her weakness and attack her.
I thought she had ear mites, but nothing is working to kill them.....if they exist at all.....and now she appears to be having seizures.....

Going to make an appointment with the vet....if you can call her that. She will most likely be put down next week

I'm feeling like throwing in the towel, this will be my 3rd loss in the last year........
I'm feeling like throwing in the towel, this will be my 3rd loss in the last year

I know how you feel, and I'm so sorry you're having problems with your hen like that, poor thing-you and her. Just think how you would feel, though, if you went out and there were no chickens to greet you, to care for, to watch, etc. I would feel lost without my birds, I know. Hang in there and you'll get through this rough patch. Yes, we'll lose them sometimes, but the ones that are here still give me such joy, even though they are lots of work, especially in extreme weather times.​
Oh Cyn, its great to hear zane was flirting!!!!
He needs to be the ladies man his Dad was!!
How's your Dad feeling?

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