Zero Eggs!😫

I have never had bantams, but have friends that raise them. From what they say their bantams rarely lay during the winter months. I don't know why.
Yup, absolutely. Many of us get NO eggs from hens post molt (which for me started as early as July this year), all the way through winter solstice, and up until days start lengthing more noticeably. For me that'd be around March for the majority of the flock.
Yikes. So basically you are saying your chickens are productive for about four months of the year: April, May, June and hopefully most of July. That's no bueno!
I agree with @aart. Breeds do have something to do with the number of eggs layed. Often time the younger birds will lay throughout the winters and also hybrids. My birds older birds lay during the year don't lay as well in the winter but I do get a few eggs for the number of birds I have. Come spring everyone will be laying. My Leghorns and Rhode Island Whites are good layers pretty much year around. They do slow down when they are molting. Some friends who raise bantams have told me that their birds don't usually lay in the winter months. They may get an eggs now and then but rarely.
Were the birds laying over winter less than 10-12 months old?
What breeds were they?
Some high production hybrids will lay and lay and lay and lay and lay.
Yes, the winter layers were less than 10-12 mos old. I guess what I'm hearing is that their molt is not as bad the first year so it doesn't affect production as much.

Among the 15 the main layers are an orpington, 2 americaunas, 4 swedish flowers, 2 blue isbars, 2 easter eggers, and a cream legbar.
I'm hoping that the redder looking comb on one of my girls means she's thinking about laying again. She was the first layer, the first molter. She looks like her feathers are pretty much back. :fl

I have the fake eggs in the next box arranged in a certain way so that I'll know if anyone has been in there.
This is our first winter together(my family and our flock) they’re 7months old.. I live in NY and it’s been freezinggg we haven’t had any eggs at all in over a week! Is that normal for them to go that long?! We have 3 pullets and 1hen.
Hello: I'm in southern Ontario, Canada so our climate is similar. What you're experiencing is normal. One thing not mentioned is some breeds are better winter layers than others. Chickens need about 14 hours of daylight to lay eggs so starting in October I put a 100 watt bulb ( not 60 watt, it's not bright enough) and turn it on @ about 2 or 3 am. DON'T LEAVE ON ALL NIGHT. Chickens need rest too. One important thing is DON'T turn it on at dusk, then turn off in the middle of the night because that will stress the chickens when they are all moving around and the light goes off. They won't be on the roost and some might get hurt if jumping up or down to a laying box or roost and it suddenly goes dark. The light also has a small heat effect so be sure you have it hanging high enough so they don't come in to contact with it and its in a good hanging brooder lamp fixture.( $12 at the feed store). That will help.
Everyone is definitely not still getting eggs 😂, or at least reduced number! As above, there are various factors involved, especially this time of year. Some people even have to - gasp - buy eggs ...
My girls have not given me eggs since October. I finally have one- a light brown leghorn- giving me one two days in a row, skip a day, then two days. The rest are still on hiatus. Yes, I have had to go to the store and buy eggs- I actually got caught by a co worker who occasionally gets a dozen eggs from me. My face was red and I had to swear to him that I do have chickens.
This is our first winter together(my family and our flock) they’re 7months old.. I live in NY and it’s been freezinggg we haven’t had any eggs at all in over a week! Is that normal for them to go that long?! We have 3 pullets and 1hen.
Too cold and too dark. They slow down in the winter anyway with less light. Don't worry, just wait it out.
This is our first winter together(my family and our flock) they’re 7months old.. I live in NY and it’s been freezinggg we haven’t had any eggs at all in over a week! Is that normal for them to go that long?! We have 3 pullets and 1hen.
Look around to see if they have not found a hiding place. One of my girls squeezed between my shed and a chain link fence and had layed 11 eggs and was roosting. I even hosed her with water and she refused to move. I had to go around the block and take a bolt cutter to cut a small hole in the fence big enough for my hand to reach thru to get the eggs. These girls are so spoiled . For breakfast my 4 girls and 3 ducks get chopped lettuce , tomatoes, cucumber, celery every day. They started to lay at about 5 or 6 months and at 8 1/2 months I still get 4 eggs every day. I am in CA and last night we had frost on car. Coldest night this year. And they have a coop heater that is always on.
Look around to see if they have not found a hiding place. One of my girls squeezed between my shed and a chain link fence and had layed 11 eggs and was roosting. I even hosed her with water and she refused to move. I had to go around the block and take a bolt cutter to cut a small hole in the fence big enough for my hand to reach thru to get the eggs. These girls are so spoiled . For breakfast my 4 girls and 3 ducks get chopped lettuce , tomatoes, cucumber, celery every day. They started to lay at about 5 or 6 months and at 8 1/2 months I still get 4 eggs every day. I am in CA and last night we had frost on car. Coldest night this year. And they have a coop heater that is always on.
They are no longer free ranging since there’s no cover from all the trees being bare..we lost one of my porcelain D’uccles 4months ago. But i have good news!!! Our oldest hen finally laid her first egg yesterday and today she laid another! Just waiting for the others to follow suit🤣

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