Zodiac Hatch-A-Long - Waxing Moon in Fruitful Signs HAL

High humidity won't allow the egg to lose as much weight as it should by moisture transpiring the pores.
The air cell would be small if it continues too long.

I sometimes candle at a week but I'm not a candling nut like many people. Mostly because I can't see anything but an air cell anyway.
Thank you, exactly what I was looking for!
I usually candle again at 2 weeks or so or even when transferring eggs to the hatcher. I usually don't give up on anything unless it's clear, leaking or stinking.
I candle shipped eggs on arrival.
I am currently doing a 2 hour cool down (days 8-18). I am on day 9 now. I am using a brand new incubator sooo....I admit to candling on day 4 and yesterday.
Quote: Because they have passed.

I had my very first exploding egg last hatch. I never ever never never ever want another one.

I've had a couple leakers and a couple stinkers. The stinkers come out right away, before becoming exploders.
One leaker glued itself to the turner. I had to pull all the other eggs and take the turner to the compost pile to get all of it out.
I suppose the advantage of candling more often is that leakers are discovered.
If anybody need some pretty cool eggs...pm me. My girls are laying well. My bator will be full for a while. I ship well. References available. I have never had an unsatisfied customer. I do not have a disclaimer.
Check out the byc threads "little giant 9300".
"Little giant 10300". I tried and tried. Eventually I sold them and bought a gqf hova bator 1588
Oh yeah!!!! I'm lovin' mine. Set it and forget it. (almost lol) Going into lockdown tomorrow on the 16 Black Australorps I won and my own Blosl and XW Poultry White Rocks. No idea on hatch rate. But a LOT of movement. I will be doing the next setting on the 9-10th.

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