Zodiac Hatch-A-Long - Waxing Moon in Fruitful Signs HAL

Well my hatch is going very poorly - only have 7 out of 21 still going.

3am and a whipper wheel is singing it's heart out next to my bedroom window.
The only bird that "sings" outside my window at 3am is my bantam roo...

Here's all I know about the subject.
It is true that many people hatch from pullet eggs all the time with no problems.
It's also true that the smaller chicks from small pullet eggs will usually catch up in size by a year or so.
So what are reasons not to do it?

A chicken deposits about 2 grams of calcium in an egg - regardless of age. So a pullet egg shell will be thicker than one from a mature hen and possibly more difficult to escape from.

There is clearly less albumen and a smaller yolk. That means less nutrition. Mammal babies can get all the nutrition they need from the mother and the abdomen can grow to accommodate. Once that egg is laid, that's all the nutrition and space there will ever be.

I've had old timers tell me that continuing to hatch from pullet eggs will decrease egg sizes in subsequent generations.

On the other hand, albumen quality is better with young birds than older hens.

IMHO it depends upon how big the egg is supposed to be based on the breed. Eggs from the breed I raise are supposed to be 65 grams or larger. I've always tried to set eggs that were 55 grams or larger.
Then I had a predator massacre and only 3 mature hens survived. The pullets had just started laying eggs so I decided to set every egg I could get reducing my low weight limit to 45 grams. Now that those birds have matured (they're almost a year old), I see the results. Unlike past generations that started laying larger eggs by about 8 or 9 months of age, the eggs are still in the small/medium/large range rather than the XL and jumbo they should be by now.
That probably wouldn't matter to most backyard chicken people or even noticeable to those with multiple breeds. But since I've eliminated all other breeds, it's very noticeable to me. And since I'm breeding to a standard, egg and bird size is an important part of that standard.
I'm now paying much closer attention to egg size when I set and track results through adulthood and generations to follow.
I group eggs by sire, egg color and egg size. I'm tracking eggs in the 50-55 gram, 55-60 gram, 60-70 gram and 70+ ranges. In those ranges I'm checking hatch rates, chick survivability and weights. I'm weighing every 10 days for a month then monthly. In adulthood these hens are supposed to be 4.4-5.3 lbs. and cocks 5-6.6 lbs. I had been shooting to be at the high end of that range so we'll see what the future holds.

Hoping to have hens laying in trap nests in the next month so my data keeping will get kicked up another notch or two.
I'll then know which hens are laying the darkest eggs, best production, largest eggs and then track their progeny.

Interesting info - thank you!
I'm very hands off with a broody and I don't know if I've ever candled a broody egg.
I usually only candle at about day 10 and again before transfer to the hatcher.
I may candle more often this time since I'm incubating eggs I can actually see into.
I'm going to be in trouble when it is time to transfer. There are 85 eggs that have to go somewhere. I'll probably put 50 in the hatcher and 35 in the LG.
I don't like hatching in the LG cause I hate cleaning it.

You line the bottom with a no slip rubber shelf mat or a old small towel for quick easy after hatch clean up ;)
I was using paper towels but the shelf stuff may work. Paper towels don't allow adding water through the air holes.
Thanks for the tip.
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Well my April 29 set is in my friends incubator and she said they look good which I'm guessing means developing and minimal clears, but I already knew those eggs were having great fertility(why I sent those for her kids to hatch) =)
yes I have a smartphone but I use what bamma uses OT250. I can say that 36 of the 40 eggs you two sent me are fertile and growing

YAY!!! That is awesome!! :D

Can you download free apps on your phone at all? If you can, I recommend the Super Bright LED Flashlight app for candling... it uses your camera flash and works amazing!

Btw, I just hatched this chick from one of those light blue Araucana eggs (the ones marked AR) this is an Araucana/Orpington mix...
Has anyone candled yet?
I'll probably candle Sunday or Monday.
Does anyone care about the number of eggs set in all?

I set 13 on 4/30. I have 4 clear, 1 blood ring, and 8 still kicking! Today is day 15 for me. I do have a couple of wonky air cells (darn shipped eggs!) but hopefully they can make their way out!
Time to start collecting eggs for the next round.
Set time will be from midnight on May 26 to 7:22 AM May 29 due to hatch June 17, 18 with the moon in Cancer.
So I'm shooting for setting morning of May 28th.

First round eggs are due in 4 or 5 days. That will open up enough space for me to get the ones I'm turning by hand into the turners.

For this next round the following set dates.


20-21 May

Day 25



27-28 May

Day 18




Day 25

Duck (Muscovy)


12-13 May

Day 31



16-17 May

Day 25

Guinea Fowl



Day 25



19-20 May

Day 25



23-24 May

Day 21



22-23 May

Day 20

Coturnix Quail


23-24 May

Day 15



22-23 May

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