Zodiac Hatch-A-Long - Waxing Moon in Fruitful Signs HAL

I found this Humidaire hatcher on craigslist and was tempted to buy:


However, I bought a $66 incubator to use as a hatcher and boy I am in trouble. Humidit reader is way off. I can live with that, however temperature is really wonky. Temperature was set to 100 F and with Brinsea Spot check top layer of air was at 99 so only a 1 degree difference so I raised it up to 101 degree. However, after placing the eggs, the bottom layer of air is around 95-97 degrees and top layer 100-101.I am not sure what to do now because that a big temperature difference. So I have a decision to make:

I got this hatcher because I had 9 Legbar eggs that were 3-8 days behind other eggs and I wanted to keep on turning them and not raise humidity for another few days. So I moved the eggs that needed to be lockdown to then hatcher and left the Legbar eggs behind. So now

Option 1: Leave the due eggs in the wonky hatcher (Day 19 started just now) and take a chance. But it worries me because they are precious Mauve Orpington eggs.


Option 2. Break the lockdown, move back the precious eggs to the good incubator and move the Legbar eggs to the hatcher and take a chance with them for 3 days. When the Orpingtons hatch, move the Legbar eggs back into the good incubator. As far as I know there are no external pips, and possibly 1 internal pip only. They have been in the hatcher for 10 hrs now.

Really need some input real soon. Hopefully one of you is reading.

@bamadude @ChickenCanoe @ChicKat

Anyone else more than welcome!

@Junibutt Close to hatch, embryos can handle much larger temperature swings than the rest of the incubation period.
With that in mind, I'd leave them in the wonky one. Let's say the bottom is 96 and the top is 100. That means the middle is 98 and that will work for hatching.
Place the eggs close together and their embryonic energy will keep each other warm. The vibration of hatching also spurs the others on.

For more info that will help your choice, the following is chock full of good stuff.

What they said!

Do not attempt to microwave the freezee pops lol. I learned the hard way
LOL Good to know!

I've used warm water in freezer bags (double bagged) before as heat sinks.
The temperature may rise some as it stabilizes. Is the power light staying on or cycling?

The power light is continuos. If I can figure out the temp.fax, it could be an excellent machine for $66. Even has an auto-turner. lol!
Do not attempt to microwave the freezee pops lol. I learned the hard way
I swear I was thinking of doing that. lol!
The power light is continuos. If I can figure out the temp.fax, it could be an excellent machine for $66. Even has an auto-turner. lol!
I swear I was thinking of doing that. lol!

If the power light is continuous it means that it isn't able to achieve the target temperature. I would be careful about turning it up more. If ambient conditions allow it to achieve target, it will overheat.
Can you build some barriers around the incubator to keep it from losing heat? Basically creating a mini warm room. Perhaps build a wall with cardboard a few inches from each side. Cut some cardboard and cover the windows. Whatever you do, don't cover any holes since they need air, especially now.
If you do that, you may find you have to turn it down. Once the power light cycles, that's when it has achieved target temperature based on the dial setting.
@Mama Bay
It's post 452 but here's a copy. You're still a day away.

Next setting for hatch under a waxing moon in Scorpio will be June 5, 6, 7 to hatch June 26, 27, 28 with the moon in Scorpio.
Your local times will vary slightly but for my longitude and latitude set time is 12:56 PM on the 5th till 10:21 PM on the 7th.
To find your local time click the edit button in the top black line to enter your country and city.
Find the time moon enters Scorpio and count back 3 weeks. The end time is when the moon enters Sagittarius.
For other hatches other than 21 days, adjust accordingly.

@Mama Bay

It's post 452 but here's a copy. You're still a day away.

Next setting for hatch under a waxing moon in Scorpio will be June 5, 6, 7 to hatch June 26, 27, 28 with the moon in Scorpio.
Your local times will vary slightly but for my longitude and latitude set time is 12:56 PM on the 5th till 10:21 PM on the 7th.
To find your local time click the edit button in the top black line to enter your country and city.
Find the time moon enters Scorpio and count back 3 weeks. The end time is when the moon enters Sagittarius.
For other hatches other than 21 days, adjust accordingly.

Perfect timing! I just picked some eggs up from the post today

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