🚨Wanted: Tips for Raising Hormonal Bad Boys

I wouldn't say so.

i've seen (haven't encountered it personally apart from once and it was quite delayed, so unsure what happened there) where people have 2 [or 3 or 4 or 5] males, including a very submissive male that is treated poorly by the others. They cull the assertive ones, keep the submissive one, and the power goes to his head and he becomes quite aggressive.

I'm sure it isn't always that way, but I do know it has happened
I've noticed too that chickens who grow up in a quarrelsome and stressful environment like that tend to become more violent themselves as adults, even the hens.
I've noticed too that chickens who grow up in a quarrelsome and stressful environment like that tend to become more violent themselves as adults, even the hens.
Oh gosh, especially the hens. I have a little Japanese bantam that was always on the bottom of the order and the roosters favorite. Now I can't put her with any bird her size because she tries to actually injure them.
It depends on how old roosters are, but I remove roosters from small hens at about 6-8 weeks because they bully the pullets from food. Also at that age they start to think they are tough. I put them in with adult hens. The hens put bad boys in their place. In the end I think the hens train them to be a good rooster. If not they have a different purpose.
It depends on how old roosters are, but I remove roosters from small hens at about 6-8 weeks because they bully the pullets from food. Also at that age they start to think they are tough. I put them in with adult hens. The hens put bad boys in their place. In the end I think the hens train them to be a good rooster. If not they have a different purpose.
Everyone is the exact same age. The whole flock is 3 months old.
It can be hard to identify a rooster. Sometimes you know practically when they jump out of the nest, and sometimes not for weeks. Once I didn't catch on until HE Crowed.

For me, the one being attacked, he is in the cull list.

What the aggression is telling you, is this is NOT a single act of aggression, and I can fix this. This is the aggression is rising in the flock, that is the worst case, but there is other aggression I would almost bet.

Strongly consider pulling all the cockerels out of your set up. How much space do you have? That will let things calm down and your pullets will be healthier.

At least get rid of half of the roosters. If you can't eat them, plant a rose bush.

Mrs K

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