Recent content by Texokie1

  1. Texokie1

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    I'm just north of Columbia...I actually have some easter eggers in my mixed flock (two lay green eggs, one lays blue)...super easy keepers. We surely don't need any more chickens (husband has threatened that any survivors will be flying into the freezer), but I have a friend that wants to get...
  2. Texokie1

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Thanks for all the advice y'all! I've never tried apple cider vinegar wraps...I use old towels soaked in very warm water with epsom salts, covered with vet wrap for my Arabian horse when his arthritis flares-up (he's 21 years old, but it hasn't flared-up but twice in the last year..and a little...
  3. Texokie1

    Weak Leg in Adult Chicken?

    Thanks y'all. Just so strange...she'll be fine for months-and-months, and then BAM. If it had happened a fews ago, it would have made more sense (had a dog attempt to get into the tractor and about scared the girls half to death...I could see her having re-injured it/aggrevated it then). I...
  4. Texokie1

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Hey y'all - quick newbie question: I think my Jersey Giant, Mica, has gone broody...but I want to verify b/c she also has a leg issue (want to make sure it isn't the old leg just acting up). She's been hanging in the nest box except when I let them out to free-range...then when her crop is...
  5. Texokie1

    Weak Leg in Adult Chicken?

    Reviving this thread because its bbbbaaaa^aaaccck. The leg issue resolved itself last fall (about a week after the last post), and she was fine all through the winter/spring. Walking completely normally, not giving in any way, and she lost her "hitch" that she had when she was younger. I just...
  6. Texokie1

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Like TinTennessee said, check neighborhood covenants and deed restrictions in addition to city/county rules. I live outside city limits in Maury County (fairly rural)...we can have livestock, the neighbors behind us cannot. They are considered a subdivision (even though they are in the...
  7. Texokie1

    Chickens, Cows and Horses!!

    Congrats on the horse! Just a quick note: keep an eye on the chickens the first time you turn them out with the horse. My son's horse (the sweetest little spotted-gaited mare in the world) decided one day she HATED our chickens and attempted to stomp them. (This is the same horse that will...
  8. Texokie1

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Ahhhhh...but if we are going to pay USPS the extra money, I'd hope they'd actually take the additional care. When I ordered my chicks, I paid QUITE a bit (I had a small order that had to be shipped over-night...the cost of shipping was actually more than the cost of the chicks...about $40...)...
  9. Texokie1

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Over in Ethridge - one of the century farms over in Amish county (but owned by the English). We've got horses, and have found pretty slim pickens for good hay around Columbia/Spring Hill...
  10. Texokie1

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    I'm in Maury County...but I'm down in Lawrence County at least once a month for hay...
  11. Texokie1

    Becoming self sufficient

    Sorry wyoDreamer for the delay - it is a Great Northern Popcorn Co. grinder. (Lists for ~$25 @ ) Yeeeaaahhhh, if you need seven cups of flour, that grinder can be a pain...grind/sift...
  12. Texokie1

    Becoming self sufficient

    One thing we're trying for the first time this year is growing our own wheat. We always have a vegetable garden - this year we overseeded with a hard red winter wheat. Just finished putting on seed heads...waiting for them to turn yellow to harvest. Then we'll plow the stubble under to add...
  13. Texokie1

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Thanks - I actually had stumbled across their website before. Absolute cuties, but EXPENSIVE. (Same thing w/that breeder outside Selmer.) I think we're going to have issues b/c we want the assurance of a healthy animal, but really don't really want/need a superior milker/show goat. Thanks!
  14. Texokie1

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Hiya All - I was wondering if someone could recommend a Pygmy goat or Nigerian Dwarf goat breeder in the area. Lori - I know you have Nubians - do you happen to know anyone around with Pygmy/Dwarf goats? Finally talked the hubby into a couple dairy goats - we were recently offered some...
  15. Texokie1

    What do you pickle?

    Trying to revive this thread to see if anyone pickles bamboo shoots...and if so, do you have a good recipe? (My bamboo is currently spreading via what we call the "spears of death" in our backyard. So, we either figure out a way to use them, or mow them over (they tend to be unkind to kid's...
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