I recently changed from regular old wooden box type nests to this:
Hook over livestock feeders. They're sturdy, heavy plastic. They hang over any 2-by type of board. They have holes in the top where you can put screws through into the board they hang on for added stability if needed, but...
I'm from Indiana too, Bloomington area.
Just saw this thread and thought I'd pop in. Haven't been keeping up with BYC too much lately, just a quick peek every once in a while.
I had a silver hen that decided to set a couple years ago, and I gave her some ringneck eggs, as I had been incubating the silvers and it was getting later in the season I think, and I thought I'd see what she would do with those... She acted like she would be a good setter, aggressive of her...
Here's a ringneck and a coturnix (and a turkey)....I don't think I've got one with a chukar in it though....it'd be a tad bit bigger than the quail egg. They will potentially fit in your quail racks...depends on exactly how they're made and stuff.
Yeah, that's just a tether in the picture. A lot of times gamefowl roosters are kept tethered because they have the tendency to fight each other if they're together, so that keeps the roosters separate from each other.
A silkie x cochin bantam cross hen...first pic was when she started to set a few weeks ago, second pic is her and the fruit of her labor just taken today... She hatched two, but one died.
big birds
Location terre haute ( - 01/30/2012 (16:42)
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looking for a umbrilla cocatoos or pairits
It might take a while to find some of those.....