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  1. shaneensmith

    Dry Incubation High Resting Humidity Percentage

    Hello everyone, I am wanting to do a Dry Incubation Method this time around. * Dry Incubation HIGH RESTING HUMIDITY Percentage * My incubators have been plugged in for 72 hours, dry, no water: > Temp holds steady at 99.1 to 99.5 on both incubators. > Humidity holds steady at 48% on both...
  2. shaneensmith

    Cream Legbar Roo OVER Leghorn Hen

    Hello everyone, I am looking to breed my Cream Legbar Rooster over my White Leghorn Hens. I would like to know what colored egg layer I might end up with? Would it be blue or light blue? IF it was light blue, and I wanted to make them more blue, then what would I breed those pullets back to? I...
  3. shaneensmith

    Help with Poultry Lameness due to Bacterial - E. coli, Salmonella, Streptococcus or Enterococcus - Possibility?

    MY POULTS ARE GONIG LAME + SOME HAVE DIED (unsure if its connected) New poults. Day Old's. Coop Setup: 3 lamps in a neat row, disinfected coop, coop is ventilated, have not had birds for over 6 months (HAD a problem with infectious cryoza in laying hens - BUT haven't had birds for quite some...
  4. shaneensmith

    Swollen Ankle, Leg Hot, Foot Swollen Turkey Poult

    Hello all, I just checked on all my babies (yes at 1.45 am! LOL!) I have 2 baby turkey poults with swollen foot or leg, the leg is hot! And the knee looks red. NOW the entire leg looks as if it is turning dark red purple! What on earth!?! The birds are 5 days old. I am wondering what I can do...
  5. shaneensmith

    Small Pullet - thoughts on her health?

    Hey everyone - I have since done an ALL-IN-ALL-OUT culled all my birds. Now I am back to square one. I purchased some PULLETS off a lady - has superb chicken health practices and does not have any "mycoplasma - CRD - Cryoza" of the sort in her flocks. I got 5 birds off her - they are all...
  6. shaneensmith


    Hello - I have 12 Turkey Poults - 6 weeks old. I have an old chicken pen just outside my house here - has not had a chicken near it for about 5 days....can I clean it really good and add the turkey? I just don't want them getting blackhead disease or whatever else diseases they can catch from...
  7. shaneensmith

    Egg Shell Deformity?

    First time i got one of these. Anyone know why or what this may be from?
  8. shaneensmith

    5 weeks Ready for outside?

    Hello all. I have 4 little chicks. 5 weeks or so. Can they go outside yet? :)
  9. shaneensmith

    Worms? 2.5 week old chicks

    I feel as if i am having nothing but problems with chickens. My chickens are very clean and well looked after. These chick are not even outside yet they are inside my garage and there has NEVER EVER been another chicken in ever!!!! ....their brooder is extremely clean always....i...
  10. shaneensmith

    Odd Shapped Egg Blood On It!

    This eggs is shapped funny and has a line through it and there's BLOOD on it :( My poor chicken :( Anyone know why? The hen is 5.5 months old...just starting to lay....
  11. shaneensmith


    Ok, so seems I am going to have to CULL my ENTIRE flock. They are getting sicker and sicker. Its been EXACTLY 21 days since I introduced my so called "friends" birds to my precious cream legbars (21 days is the incubation period for MS & MG). When can I get ALL NEW birds? how long after should...
  12. shaneensmith


    #1. How long can i feed medicated feed to my 20 day old turkey poults? #2. Found one dead this morning. Now another is dying. Its weak and lethargic and is having a hard time tweeting. The other poult that died was SUPER SMALL and had curled toes and could not chirp at would chirp but...
  13. shaneensmith

    No culling keeping a flock positive with Mycoplasma

    I had a cream legbar hen drop dead on me...on a Thursday so could not even send it fresh enough for a necropsy and I refuse to kill a cream legbar on a Monday for a necropsy. I foolishly took in some birds from a friend (never again will I do that). Pretty sure my precious cream legbars are...
  14. shaneensmith

    Hatching Eggs unhatched at 7 days past hatch date

    so do you think its safe to say that 7 days past a hatch date the left over eggs are never gonna hatch? No pips and no movement. All info appreciated.
  15. shaneensmith


    I swear I post on here more than anyone - I cannot believe I am having so many issues with my chickens . . . I just have a question I need clarified; what does "incubation period" mean? does it mean that is the number of days it takes to get bad? like a spreading virus or bacteria or something...
  16. shaneensmith

    Cream Legbar Hen Dropped Dead

    Hey all - one of my Cream Legbar Hens just DOPPED DEAD!!!!! OMG!!! I am just so devastated. Ugh, I am so choked. She was in the corner of the pen, at first I thought she had her head stuck in some chicken wire, but then I went right up to her and she was just stiff as a board, under the roost...
  17. shaneensmith

    Mushy Chick Disease? What is going on here?

    Ok, so me again! Sorry :( FIRST QUESTION: can I take all the eggs out of the incubator and clean it? It's just so gross and stinky in there. There are 8 more eggs to hatch - 5 have pipped holes. SECOND QUESTION: This chick hatched last night at about 11 PM - and its snuggling so hard - its...
  18. shaneensmith

    Hatching Chick Wrong Position HELP!

    Expert advice needed *** I have a turkey poult obviously in a bad position in the egg :( it has been struggling for 2 days then I intervened. I took off quite a bit of the shell - looks like a vein ruptured deep inside (i did not get that far)...the chick is alive and still trying to get out...
  19. shaneensmith


    Hello - I have one turkey Poult not coming out of its shell. it is now the 3rd day. the humidity in my incubator is high at 75% or higher sometimes - 2 of my poults popped out really fast...but this one just seems to be stuck. I would love for it to survive seems to be a little fighter - 3 days...
  20. shaneensmith


    ...really do not want my Cream Legbar's infected!!! - they are my favourite birds - I could easily do away with the other birds (cull) if I had to. ** 15 laying hens would have to be culled ** - I heard rattled breathing a week ago from one of them - BUT it was NOT CONSISTENT. Just sounded as...
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