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  1. mechagrue

    Vegetarian Fed

    What's the Deal With "Vegetarian Fed"? This is a question that crops up a lot on BYC. Often enough that I decided to create a static page to point people towards. Saves me the typing! The "vegetarian chickens" issue comes from two directions: Eggs and chicken at the grocery store labeled...
  2. Chicken Tractor The Third

    Chicken Tractor The Third

    ...much mosquito repellent was applied, and I accumulated more sawdust inside my wrist brace than seems medically warranted. But now it's finished!* After due consideration, I have decided to name this chicken tractor The Hyperion. Because it too is the third location. And it too is the best...
  3. mechagrue


    I've never heard it's specifically bad to feed them chilled food, although it doesn't seem like the best idea. But if you think about it, chickens eat feed from their feeders all winter long, and in many parts of the country that means the feed is below freezing. And I have yet to hear of a...
  4. mechagrue

    Anybody on here ever eaten balut?

    Ahaha, balut! Funny coincidence, I had never heard about it until yesterday. I was watching an episode of Destination Truth where they traveled to the Philippines. Josh Gates (the host) convinced several crew members to give it a try. All I can say is, just watching it on TV was enough to make...
  5. mechagrue

    flies everywhere in my house YUCK!!!

    I had the same problem last year. In my research I found that a lot of people get "drain flies," which are breeding in an unused (or rarely used) sink. So now would be a good time to clean out all your sinks. In my case, I live in a cabin which is raised above the ground on posts, with sort of...
  6. mechagrue

    chickens that like to "sleep in"

    I have the opposite problem! The instant it's light out (they define "light out" as "15 minutes before official sunrise time") they are READY. As soon as they spot me shuffling across the yard, they start clucking with great excitement. Their hatch door is hinged at the bottom, with a wire...
  7. mechagrue

    Italian Cream Cake

    Wow, that sounds so good! I'm going to have to try that! I think I got fatter just reading the recipes.
  8. mechagrue

    Question about egg yolks

    I know that the yolk loses its firmness and integrity as the egg gets older. How old was the egg that went all sploshy? And how had it been stored (fridge or counter)?
  9. mechagrue

    How long does it take to lay an egg?

    Mine just started laying about two weeks ago, here's what I've observed at this point: Dolly, Black Sex Link: Tiny eggs, 15-30 minutes Martha and Ethel, Buff Orpingtons: Small eggs, about 30 minutes Harriet, Rhode Island Red: All double-yolkers, all the time (!), from 30 minutes to 2 hours...
  10. mechagrue

    Fresh eggs smell rotten

    That is some seriously awesome investigative work! And thanks so much for updating us - I have thought about your egg mystery often, since you first posted about it! (Italian cream cakes? Yes, please, I second that request!)
  11. mechagrue

    Isn't the LAYING hen supposed to sing the egg song?

    Quote: Oh dear, they sing when they are thinking about laying an egg and after they lay the egg. Their sisters usually join in and so does the roo. You'll have a whole egg chorus going on right outside your bedroom window. And I can assure you, the term "song" is used entirely...
  12. mechagrue

    Isn't the LAYING hen supposed to sing the egg song?

    Quote: Thanks! I've been saving them up from the grocery store since last December, when I decided to get chickens. I wish someone would sell cartons pre-printed with nutritional information! (The four brown eggs in the middle are the ones I've gotten so far - the white eggs are the last of...
  13. mechagrue

    Isn't the LAYING hen supposed to sing the egg song?

    My four pullets have just started laying (5 eggs in the last 7 days). This morning around 9AM I heard a terrible cackling noise from the tractor, THREE chickens howling "bokbokbrGAWK!" at the top of their lungs. It was so loud, the dogs got freaked out and started barking! Quite a ruckus, let...
  14. mechagrue

    Post your FIRST EGG pics!

    I just finished my first breakfast. By my accounting, including coop construction materials, feed, and medical bills (mine), this was an $800 breakfast sandwich!
  15. mechagrue

    Ol'Fashion's buttermilk biscut recipe.

    BOOKMARKED! Thank you, those sound delicious!
  16. mechagrue

    Can Chickens Eat These Carbs

    I'm not sure about flax or granola, but I've been feeding mine steel-cut oatmeal for a while now. I bought a full pound never having tried any, and discovered that I didn't care for it. Oh well, that's what the chickens are for! I give them a little handful every few days as a treat, or to...
  17. mechagrue

    Post your FIRST EGG pics!

    My first egg ever! I can't yet bring myself to eat it. It seems so special! Plus, if you include the construction and feed costs, and my medical bills (from a broken wrist after I fell while moving the chicken tractor) that's an $808.27 egg!
  18. mechagrue

    Fresh eggs smell rotten

    That is so crazy - thanks for the update! I guess now you can say, "In MY day, it was so hot, the eggs went bad before they were even laid!"
  19. mechagrue

    Fresh eggs smell rotten

    Quote: Damn! And I didn't realize you're selling your eggs. I agree with Uppity Peon, I think you'll have to try and figure out which hen is laying the bad eggs. Then you can try putting her in a separate pen to see if the problem clears up when the temperature drops, giving her medical...
  20. mechagrue

    Fresh eggs smell rotten

    Eurgh! And also, Neat! Upon reflection, I think your problem isn't identifying the HEN, it's identifying the EGGS. Assuming this is just a seasonal problem, the combination of a slow "egg assembly line" inside her and the high temperatures. Have you tried putting your eggs into a container of...
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