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  1. BunnyMomma

    The Old Folks Home

    I liked your question about chicken pedigrees! I have been working on some genetic projects for several years now and I have been keeping records (pedigrees) for my projects. It is not easy to do, so that is why most people do not create pedigrees for their birds. On pedigrees for the birds I am...
  2. BunnyMomma

    The Old Folks Home

    I love, love, love her! I am working on a chocolate cochin project and I think you have something special with her! Very nice!
  3. BunnyMomma

    The Old Folks Home

    I totally agree. I have some of the sweetest Birchen's, but I occasionally get one that is a real monster. I have a really pretty Khaki Bronze Birchen Rooster, and he is as mean as Satan. I would eat him if he weren't such a stunning bird! I hate his personality.
  4. BunnyMomma

    The Old Folks Home

    Hi, I thought I'd put my 2 cents in on the breed types that I like. I really have a lot of favorites as far as laying hens in general, so this is my top 3 favorites, in order. Also, I will put why I like them as opposed to other breeds. This is just from my experience. #1. Large Fowl Cochin's...
  5. BunnyMomma

    The Old Folks Home

    Hi everyone! I am catching up again and wanted to say congrats to Cynthia12 on your becoming a GG! That is awesome. Grandkids are the best! It looks like everyone has been doing the same thing as me, trying to stay warm and carrying water to all the animals. I am exhausted! I love NC, because...
  6. BunnyMomma

    The Old Folks Home

    Thanks Arielle!
  7. BunnyMomma

    The Old Folks Home

    Hi chickadoodles! Thanks, I am glad to be back. I really enjoy raising them. My hubby built me some amazing rabbit pens in our barn. He built me 12 cabinet style cages that are 20 inches square and 3 feet tall. There are 3 alternating shelves inside for the rabbits to get plenty of exercise. I...
  8. BunnyMomma

    The Old Folks Home

    Thanks! He is one of my favorites! They really keep me smiling.
  9. BunnyMomma

    The Old Folks Home

    Hi Pozees! They are the sweetest breed on the planet. They are really not hard to keep groomed if they have good coats. I love how you are feeding the cottontails! I have seen first hand how horribly some bunnies are mistreated and abused. I have no problem at all with people that raise rabbits...
  10. BunnyMomma

    The Old Folks Home

    Hi Bunnylady! I agree with you totally. Any of the dwarf rabbits are very difficult to breed. I did get a litter from Nicolette about 2 years ago. I still have one of her bucks. His name is Sam Elliot. Hehe! He is a broken black JW, but he has a bad hind leg. (Some jerk went into my rabbit barn...
  11. BunnyMomma

    The Old Folks Home

    Thanks tnspursfan! I suffer from (OHS) overly happy syndrome. It is impossible to be sad with bunnies around! SCG! I am so glad you did not have an accident.It is a good thing that you are getting your tires changed Sat. It is funny that you asked about the rabbits being dinner. I cannot bring...
  12. BunnyMomma

    The Old Folks Home

    Hi everyone and Happy Thanksgiving! I have not been on here for a while. I have been so crazy busy the last few months with some unfinished projects. It has been so hard keeping the water thawed out this week. It takes me twice as long to feed and water everyone in this icy weather. One of my...
  13. BunnyMomma

    The Old Folks Home

    What a beautiful baby! Congrats Cynthia! 32! Wow! It must be fun at your place around the holidays!
  14. BunnyMomma

    The Old Folks Home

    Hi everyone! I have been under the weather. I am just now getting some time to catch up with all the latest! I wanted to share a rap that I wrote~ It goes to the rhythm of "Baby Got Back" "Chickies Got Fluff" By: Jody McMillan 2013 Oh, my, word. Honey, look at her fluff. She is so cute...
  15. BunnyMomma

    The Old Folks Home

    So true! I know a person that had a flock of geese to fly over her wedding and bomb the wedding party! LOL!
  16. BunnyMomma

    The Old Folks Home

    Good luck with your visit with the realtor! It sounds like you have found a really neat place. keep us posted~
  17. BunnyMomma

    The Old Folks Home

    Ah! I was leaning more toward the 10 acres, but after you described the smaller property and it's intended use, I vote for the smaller property! I have 10 acres right now. I used to have 43, but had to sell all but 10 acres after my husband was injured in an accident. The maintenance for 10...
  18. BunnyMomma

    The Old Folks Home get access to power? Is there a house on this land? Can you do some of the work yourself or will you need to hire a contractor? Positive Points *Great View *Productive Well *Awesome Barn *Killer price *10 acres *a bazillion chickens, Yeah! That is what I'm talking about! Negative Points...
  19. BunnyMomma

    The Old Folks Home

    Thanks so much everyone for the positive thoughts! SCG, I hope that this weather front dries up and stays away from you in Maine! I am so sick of all this rain. We are more used to droughts than floods. I have never seen anything like this in NC. I have lived in the state since 1967 and this is...
  20. BunnyMomma

    The Old Folks Home

    I'm going to check out some of the recipes for non gluten and non dairy foods. I have been eating a lot of fruits, nuts and berries since I have been on this diet. I feel like a squirrel or a rabbit (Bunny). I have always eaten plenty of dairy and wheat products, but I have been having severe...
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