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  1. K

    Partridge Silkie Hen

    This is Dean. She is a non-bearded partridge silkie and strongly believed to be a hen. She is about 5-6 months old. Not laying or crowing yet, but I am almost positive she is female. She has the standard 5 toes. She has a beautiful red neck and a very sweet personality. Im selling her...
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    Blue Silkie Rooster - Pet Quality

    This is Sinatra. He is a non-bearded Blue Silkie Rooster. He is labeled as pet quality because he does have some gold leakage throughout his hackles. Though they are striking and evenly dispersed, I think. He is approximately 7-8 months old and a confirmed rooster. He has the standard 5...
  3. K

    Probably going to sound ammature... but what does this behaviour mean?

    Ive never seen them do this and Im hoping its a mating thing and not a fighting thing. My drake and one of his girls (who actually is his top girl) were biting each other they would kind do that head bobby thing but then one would get the neck of one and the other would get the head feathers of...
  4. K

    Blue Silkie with Streaks?

    These just started appearing about a week or two ago. (I forget his age but I want to say he is about 17-18 weeks - Oh and Im guessing on the "he" part). He seems to have a larger comb and waddles and the mohawk looking poof. My younger ones (9-10 weeks) have smaller combs/waddles than he did...
  5. K

    Old English Game Crele Comb?

    Why is it in some online images they look like they have a single comb and in others it looks like there are no points "crowns" to it? Probably a dumb question but is this some sort of docking for show? Or are they supposed to not have those crowns?
  6. K

    Silkies ridden with chicken lice

    Ok Im at a loss. Ive used Mite and Lice protector and also DE. I cannot seem to lower the amount of lice on my chickens. I have four that are riddled with their eggs and I can see the critters on their butts. I dont know if I can afford to go get all of them treated with Ivomec. I need...
  7. K

    Anyone in Central Texas want to fix a baby silkie with Wryneck?

    I dont know how to care for wry neck silkies and I just found my buff silkie with it. Its only 4 weeks old and this just started today. Im guessing it was injured. Ive read its totally fixable but I just dont have the time and I definitely dont have the money to take it to the vet. Im less...
  8. K

    Silkie Integrating

    Im trying to integrate my 4 week olds with my 11 week old. He doesnt seem to want to hurt them. He just likes to do that Rooster stare down thing and peck em a little, but nothing really hard or often (only when they move really quick). So it seems integration would be successful. My...
  9. K

    Is this normal or ok?

    Is it normal or ok for a Blue Silkie to have a white barring? Seems mostly present on the wings, near the tips. Does that mean anything? I just seem to always see other peoples Blue silkies and they are just that... blue... sometimes with a touch of blue so blue its black but this is...
  10. K

    I lost another one...

    ...but I think it got too cold. On the 8th my beautiful baby cat Yuki was ran over. A month ago my cornish X, Biscuits died of overheating (hit 113* that day) A few months ago my first duck, Howard, died when she got her neck caught up in a torn tarp. A month before that I lost another...
  11. K

    My new Silkie Babies :)

    The first one I picked out. Possibly bearded and Im not sure of the colour but it looks like a lavendar splash or something. (Im still really new with these guys but its obviously not white) The second one. Partridge? I loved its poof. Doesnt seem to be bearded. Full view Third one...
  12. K

    Isnt he PURTY!?

    I love this little guys colours sooooooo much! Hes still so very small (about 2.5-3 months) and wont get too much bigger but I still just think this little guy has amazing colour and I wanted to share him with you now that he is getting bigger Hehe caught him in mid crow Im proud of my...
  13. K

    Daddy duck chasing 1 month baby

    What would make a drake sire chase its baby duck after a month? This seems to just have started and I think its making the baby feel a little alienated from the group. Is he going to hurt the baby when he catches it? Should I be concerned?
  14. K

    My Bantam Rooster

    ...feathers but I think stress or something has made them not grow back for a few months now. But if anyone knows what he might be...? Ideas...? *Chicken behind him is the front end of a RIR if that helps with his size orientation... I dont have a weight on him and Im so not gunna pick the...
  15. K

    Help Me Get A Name! Beware of cute pictures :)

    My little ducky turns a month in 2 days and I have yet to give it a name! I have a vote going on my FB but I wanted some opinions here! The names I have right now are: Ming - Ming = As in the sewiously cute duckling from Wonderpets Kampai = means "Cheers" in Japanese and is also a way of...
  16. K

    Silkie Chick with eyes "droopy"

    Since yesterday my baby silkie (about 5-6 weeks old) seems to have its eyes not as open as normal. Everything else seems to be fine. Shes eatting ok and drinking fine. I have her inside in a three tiered mouse cage and have had her in there about a week and a half. The bottom is lined with...
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    Just wanted to share a couple of pictures of my Bantam Roos!

    This is Snack. He's about 3 years. I dont know his breed. His tail used to have a couple of really long feathers but for some reason he lost them over winter and they never came back. He is a little mean thing. Even tried to attack my 250cc Scooter! Behind him is his favourite and only hen...
  18. K

    My new chicken?! Part 2!! (Beware of cuteness!)

    So it happened!!! I bought my first Silkie (yes first... already thinking about a second one!) Its not a great picture but this is Sinatra my Blue Silkie (not brown or partridge like the poor camera seems to think lol) Look at the sleepy baby... Awwww
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    A new chicken?

    Im thinking of getting a new chicken. Im really thinking about a Silkie but I dont know anyone close who has them. Id really like a white one I think. Ive never owned one and Im wanted to know what those of you who have a silkie can tell me about owning one? I really want a pet chicken that...
  20. K

    Two Im a little confused on...

    I got these in a bulk tub at TSC and all they said were they were all runners (I dont think they knew much at all LOL) But I think the white is a Cornish(?) Shes pretty chunky unlike the white leghorns Ive seen... and the One in the back I think is an Araucana or an Americauna but Im not sure...
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