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  1. Farmin Momma

    Please help! How to incubate turkey eggs?

    Hi, I could really use some help. The coyotes came and took my last turkey hen who was preping a clutch. I did open and check one, they are fertile. Now I have incubated and hatched many chickens but never turkeys. If you could please tell me what I need to know about how to do it. I would just...
  2. Farmin Momma

    Are males or females better?

    So I am thinking about raiseing meat chickens next spring and was looking at prices. The males seem to cost more, does that mean that the males are what we want? I would have figured that the females would have been better. Thanks for any help!
  3. Farmin Momma

    A few questions!

    Ok, So I am VERY new to this turkey thing and would like some help! I have a pair of turkeys (not sure what breed they are) one Tom and one Hen. The people I bought them from told me how old they were but of corse I forgot. The Tom does not have much of a beard, just a bit of it...
  4. Farmin Momma

    Help do I cull this chick or is there a way to save it?

    So I had a chick hatch today, and it had just a very small amount of the absorbed yolk sack poking out. Then it got worse and the sack began coming back out! Now looks like most of it is out and ruptured as well as bleeding. It is still trying to move around a bunch. Is there any way to save...
  5. Farmin Momma

    Please help, so many turkey questions!

    Hi there, So I have a pair of 1yr old (so I was told) "heritage" breed turkeys. I have not personaly seen the male mate the female other than the day we brought them home, the second that we put the hen into the gigantic dog crate with him he was basicly raping her, even though they had...
  6. Farmin Momma

    Crap, How do I get rid of lice?????? I go into the hospital for a few days and then on bed rest for 2 weeks and I come out of this and now my chickens have fricking LICE! I am so ******. So please tell me what is the best way to get rid of these stupid things? Also can people get lice from chickens? Please say no, Please...
  7. Farmin Momma

    HELP!!!! Sick BO chicken!!!!

    Ok, so a few weeks ago I had a buff orpington that had been staying away from the flock, staying puffed up with her head close to her body (as apossed to out streached like when they walk around) so I knew she was not feeling well. She also had the "runs" poop wise. Then after a few days she...
  8. Farmin Momma

    Roosr loosng his crow?

    I have a rooster that is under a year old and over the last few days he tries to crow but it comes out very quiet, raspy and short. Now my husband dose not mind cause he is quieter now, but I am worried about him. What in the word could this be? What can I do to help him?
  9. Farmin Momma

    When to intagrate chicks into flock?

    Hi there, So I have 5 7 week ole baby (ish) chicks. Two roos and three pullets, I was just wondering at what age is it ok to begin putiing them in with the rest of my flock? Thanks in advance!
  10. Farmin Momma

    How do you float test to see if eggs are still alive? Also how do you clean a styrofoam bator?

    I am on day 23 and have seen no movement in my eggs any more! I candled them yesterday and still saw no movement. I have heard of floating the eggs and if they move then they are alive. I just want to make sure that it is that simple or if there is more of a trick to it. I would like to see if...
  11. Farmin Momma

    I think all my eggs are dead!

    So my eggs were suppose to hatch yesterday. I have 6 and on Friday they were all moving, Saturday I saw 3 moving and then yesterday only one was moving a very tiny bit! There are no pips, so I decided to candle them just now. There was no move meant and the air cells are off to the side in 3 of...
  12. Farmin Momma

    Any one know what breed these are???

    I recently bought a breeding pair of "heritage" turkeys. But I have seen so many different looking turkeys being called "heritage" so I was wondering if any one had and idea of what they are...
  13. Farmin Momma

    What breed is this????

    I was contacted by a animal shelter this week and they brought me two beautiful roosters. These boys are young I am thinking about 9-10 months old as their spurs are very small. Sadly they were brought in as surrenders and there is no information about them. None at all. I LOVE this boy...
  14. Farmin Momma

    What day am I on????

    I am fearing this is quite a dumb question but I don't care I want to make sure. So I set my eggs on Sunday March 11 at 5:30pm so does that mean I am on day 8 right now, and going on day 9 at 5:30 tonight? I should have set them frist thing in the morning but I was hoping to set it up so that...
  15. Farmin Momma

    Can't get incubator temp to 99......

    My temp is eaither to high to to low. I do have a dimmer on my light, so I can keep the temp down, but not right to 99. So is it ok to be at 97 or 98? Also to increase my humidity do I need a bigger area of water? Thanks for any help!
  16. Farmin Momma

    Is she a mix???? Update with pictures!!!

    So once again I got more chickens. This time I paid $2.50 each and they are all around a year or two! Anyways, so I have this one that looks just like my Barred Rocks, but she has feather legs!? Does this mean she is a mix or are there breads of BRs that have feather legs? Here she...
  17. Farmin Momma

    How do I store fertilized eggs untill I have enough to put....

    Enough to put in my incubator? Do I just leave them out on the counter? I figured not to put them in the fridge right? It's just that I only know that 5 of my chickens are fertil for sure (watched it happen) but they take turns laying every other day and I was hoping to put at least 10 eggs in...
  18. Farmin Momma

    When Incubating, if a chick hatches........?

    If a chick hatches either a day early or the others are a day late, should I leave the hatched chick in the incubator or should I move it to the brooder by it's self?
  19. Farmin Momma

    Keep your fingers crossed for me Please!

    I have recently posted about my 3 new 8 month old hens and one rooster that I got for free. Earlier today I noticed that the 3 hens were outside of their yard ( all the chickens come out all the time and get back in when they want to) The frist thing that came to my mind is Uh oh, I have to go...
  20. Farmin Momma

    Free Chicks in Seattle Wa

    I just figure I should let everyone (in my area) know that Shorline Farm Suply is having a free chick event on March 10th. You much preorder them, go to their website (I would link it but don't know how, sorry) and order them. I think it is only 5 per house hold (there are ways around that) The...
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