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  1. Asweet23

    All 8 eggs hatched!! (PIC)

    ...last friday! They have a black aussie dad and then there is one RI Red chick too. My 2 daughters are so excited and really enjoying them! **Angela @ Sweet Valley Farm (in the Midwest where it's hotter than hot right now!).....with 2 horses, 2 yellow labs, 21 chickens + 8 new chicks, 6...
  2. Asweet23

    Spooked chicken

    It sounds like you have done what you can and she has her mind made up about bunking down with the horses. Since she is the only chicken you have (right?) and she has no real reason (according to her) to stay in the coop at night she isn't going to. Maybe if you had a couple other chickens that...
  3. Asweet23

    Spooked chicken

    Is there a way you can move the coop? If it's not too difficult I would do that. If you can't then just get her coaxed in there tonight if you can....and close it up. She will feel safe and then hopefully come back there to roost each night. It's only a matter of time before the raccoon or...
  4. Asweet23

    Day Old Chick Can't Walk *pictures*

    how is it doing?
  5. Asweet23

    Might my eggs hatch?

    I'm so sorry for your loss. I know how you feel and I don't think it's too late if you get them in an incubator asap. Also, make sure they are stored in the carton small end pointed down and handle them as little as possible. I just read that after 7 days the hatchability rate starts declining...
  6. Asweet23

    What is there to criticize?

    exactly...if they actually saw for themselves where their eggs came from, they probably wouldn't eat them. That link above is a true shocker and makes almost cry, not to mention not want to buy chicken meat from the grocery store either. :(
  7. Asweet23

    Needs to go ASAP - Golden Laced Wyandotte Rooster

    Did you put an ad on Craigslist too? goodluck finding him a home. I have too many roo's too.
  8. Asweet23

    Faster developing comb = cock/roo?

    Roo combs do grow faster and they do tend to be more aggressive or bold even as chicks. I think it's too hard to tell at this point, you'll have to wait a bit longer to find out for sure IMO.
  9. Asweet23

    Might my eggs hatch?

    they should be fine as long as they are under 10 days old. You will need an incubator which you can find at your local feed store or online. Goodluck and keep us posted!!
  10. Asweet23

    What is there to criticize?

    Do you live in a city? I can't imagine people who live in rural areas or smaller towns thinking it is a waste of time to have chickens. Not only do they provide you with much more nutritional eggs than the store bought eggs do (not to mention fresher!), but chickens can be great pets as well. My...
  11. Asweet23

    How Many Chicks?

    Hello & welcome! I think you would be safe to add at least 3 more if you plan to let them out daily. And yes, you will almost always have something get it hawk or some type of animal. In my case my own dog was the culprit. :( These predators are sneaky and as soon as you go in the house...
  12. Asweet23

    Male Or Female?

    My little bantam chick (Blue Old English/Brown Leghorn cross) started crowing around 3 weeks old. I was in shock as I had never seen a chick crow. (other large breeds don't start to crow this early, actually most don't until they are around 4-6 months old). Another really good clue is that the...
  13. Asweet23

    Spooked chicken

    She should come back to where she roosts and gets fed. Is she your only hen? She definitely needs to be locked up at night. It's for her own safety and I'm sure she won't mind at all. Keep us updated!
  14. Asweet23

    Baby Chickens

    Welcome & congrats on your new & very cute additions!!
  15. Asweet23

    Day Old Chick Can't Walk *pictures*

    Most likely splayed leg. here is a link on how you can try to correct it. Goodluck and keep us updated!
  16. Asweet23

    finally success again!

    Cute!! thanks for posting your pics. I'm going to take some pics of mine today. the mother hen wants to take them outside so I'll probably move them to our chick tractor/walkin moveable pen that my husband built a few years ago. Its going to be nice here all week!! Yay!!
  17. Asweet23

    finally success again!

    Okay, that's good to know about ducks. I haven't done any reading on them at all so have no clue. Ducklings sure are cute though and my daughters beg for them every spring.
  18. Asweet23

    Dog attack

    I always feed my sick or injured hens scrambled eggs too. :)
  19. Asweet23

    Dog attack

    Sorry to hear about the attack. Just wanted to let you know that I had a hen who survived a dog attack (the day after I had released her back into the flock from nursing her back from a broken leg. she was attacked by my young lab who thought it would be fun to chase and bite her). One of those...
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