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  1. jodiea60

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    GR65 We just had to put our dog down this week....Your little quote thingy is sooo true....I drop something on the floor in the kitchen and the vacuum (dog) isn't there to clean it up....
  2. jodiea60

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Haven't been on for forever....See some new names and some old ones...Not even gonna try to catch up!!! Tiki....Mrs Puffer (as we call her) has gone broody...DH lifted her to make sure no eggs....He found 2 black walnuts...a corn cob..and some good sized rocks in her nest!!!! TURD!!! Both...
  3. jodiea60

    HELP!! is this HEAT

    Our little silkie roo is panting, frothing, walking backwards in circles and twitching.....The hen in with him appears fine...we brought them both in the house to cool them down....Does this sound like heat issues or something else?
  4. jodiea60

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Wanted to let everyone know about my hatch.....Set 12 eggs on April 2 Lost one early on.....11 hatched on the 22nd.....This was my first hatch so I am pretty excited about it....And man are they cute!!!! Silkies and Cochin bantams....possibility of a sultan or polish will have to see..... a...
  5. jodiea60

    Setting eggs today 4/1/12 Anyone else?

    This was my first ever hatch and I am very impressed with my sucess....set 12 eggs on the 2nd lost one about a week in...The rest went to the end.....first hatched at 730am April 22, and the last one hatched sometime after midnight.....Amazing.....need to get the bator cleaned and put away...
  6. jodiea60

    Setting eggs today 4/1/12 Anyone else?

    7 of 11 out and 2 more working on it....My first hatch and I am quite impressed with the success....My temp has stayed 99-100...We had a humidity drop on the second day of lockdown....we only could get it up to 55ish....but they have hatched easily....Hope everyone elses continue to go well...
  7. jodiea60

    Setting eggs today 4/1/12 Anyone else?

    I am at 5 almost 6 chicks!!!! Do the hatched chicks get to warm in the incubator? Everytime I look in one little baby comes running and peeping and looking at me like save me!!! I can see how this will/can be addictive!!!!
  8. jodiea60

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Just want to report....2 babies in the bator and several more pips....soooo tiny.....I am an incubating virgin!!!!! So it is like Christmas around here...
  9. jodiea60

    Setting eggs today 4/1/12 Anyone else?

    Have one zipping...Husband hollers "its out"....OMG so cool and so tiny...don't think I will use cupcake papers again....More pips with movement!!!! Will post pics of our "first born" later....
  10. jodiea60

    Setting eggs today 4/1/12 Anyone else?

    I'm a first timer here.....Lockdown last night...humidity dropped so we were trying to add water and I was standing by the bator and I heard a peep....I think my heart skipped a beat!!!! so we got to looking closer and at least 3 have pipped!!!!.....So if they hatch do you just leave them in...
  11. jodiea60

    Setting eggs today 4/1/12 Anyone else?

    I am locked down!!!!! I have a feeling like I am abandoning them in some way??!!! This is my first hatch....I have a LG still air and have both plugs out....Humidity is up to 75% but temp is down some is this normal or do you need to up the heat alittle during this time??? I candled and had...
  12. jodiea60

    Whats all the names of ur chickens?

    Silkies are: Bill...Yogurt...Bootsie...all roos Bandit...Cornelius...Black 1.....Black 2...Hens One frizzle: Sally....Hen
  13. jodiea60

    Setting eggs today 4/1/12 Anyone else?

    Ok have a question....I set my eggs at 8pm on April 2....I have read that you don't start counting days until they have been in the bator for 24 hours....any thoughts??? My plan is to lockdown on the 21st... I have a Little Giant still air.....During lockdown I plan to put a container of water...
  14. jodiea60

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Tiki...we had the others out in a pen today and the newbie seemed more interested in what they were doing and also were chattering a bit back to them.....We have been holding them and talking to them everyday....they come to the fence today when the others came I think they are...
  15. jodiea60

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    BBP cute ball of yarn!!! Candled a couple eggs and they still are moving around.....I will be so P#$%ed if I get nothing from this hatch.....AND I AM the rented mule at my house!!!! Will spend the day in Plum City today with family....My niece has her freshmen smorgsbord and the she is in the...
  16. jodiea60

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    I had a bator scare today...checked temp it was 102....I took lid off so it came down...then put it back on checked in an hour stupid me turns it down but turned the wrong way....hour later it was 104...husband turned it back down....then we realized that the door had been closed to...
  17. jodiea60

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    BF4M.....Love the mural....Big fan of sunflowers... Tiki the kids slept well last night....and worked hard in their part of the run pecking and scratching all day!!! Little nervous being held but then snuggled in!!! 11 eggs still in the bator....One I thought was questionable has lots of...
  18. jodiea60

    *Silkie Coops!! Help!?!*

    our silkies go up and down the ramp easily but they just all pile in the corner of the coop when they sleep.....Don't really like to get up on anything...The ramp isn't on yet in this pic....but it runs from left side of coop to corn crib turned run
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