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  1. speckledhen


    My comment was this: Quote: Tim, you got all up in my face over that simple off-hand comment at the end of my post. YOU, sir, were out of line. That nasty retort from you is the reason I don't seek out people any longer. I said nothing about you, nothing about anyone celebrating anything...
  2. speckledhen


    Crack? What the heck is wrong with you, Tim? You do remember the origins of Thanksgiving, right? If we remembered the true origin of most holidays, we'd avoid them completely. Perhaps Ladyhawk could educate you a bit on this one. Good grief, has everyone lost their everloving minds now? If I'm...
  3. speckledhen


    Thank you, Robin. She was a sweet girl. With her passing, I have only one hatchery hen left, my Buff Brahma, Caroline, and she is about to turn 6 years old. She is large and in charge, too, LOL. Mall? I haven't been to a mall in many years. There isn't one within a hundred miles of here. Last...
  4. speckledhen


    Quote: If it was left up to our families, you can bet no one would know for months. LH would be coming down here or calling my son to get over here and check on us if she couldn't get in touch with me. ETA: Found my Phoenix broody dead this morning and her chicks very upset. Thank...
  5. speckledhen


    He rarely has contact with other humans, either. We're a two person unit and used to each others' germs. Of course, he will be at the court house on Monday for the tax hearing to try and make this stupid county obey the law, but it's probably a losing battle, even with plenty of proof to...
  6. speckledhen


    Me neither. Never had one. Never get the flu, either. Of course, I usually avoid humans.
  7. speckledhen


    Ooops, thought the last one didn't take and rewrote it.
  8. speckledhen


    Kathy, no way we can move before we sell. No money. It's all in this property. I'm just seeing if the market is such that there is any hope we would be able to find something if we decided to do it. I wish we could move before selling-we've done it once or twice and it's so much simpler, but...
  9. speckledhen


    This one is one I love and it's been on the market for ages and ages, but if you look on Google Earth, it's in a scary drainage area for a dam from Watts Bar Lake tributary. This one is another nice one, but the...
  10. speckledhen


    TN has no income tax so wouldn't tax DH's pension like GA does. The third one is nice. I'm watching that none are in subdivisions. First one is out of our range price-wise, too many acres. Second one is in a subdivision. Third one is really nice, lot is a tad small on lot size for the price...
  11. speckledhen


    Hahaha, you've been busy, Miss Kathy in Florida! I'll check those out. I've been looking on the Crye-Leike site, which always says if something is under contract. Will check those out and see what you've found for me. I think DH may not want to go as far north as Cookeville, though. We owned...
  12. speckledhen


    I know! No more Hostess. No more Twinkies. Of course, the Twinkies made before I was born will probably still be edible in 2056, LOL. Hey, Tim, now there's something you can store in your prepper cabinet!! hehehe. Kathy, I PM'd Julie when Suede died because she sent me the hatching eggs he...
  13. speckledhen


    Tim, I'm a sort-of prepper, or at least, trying to prepare for hard times by storing some supplies for times when there may be no money instead of just low money. What cracks me up is the term "Doomsday prepper". You can't prep for doomsday, silly people. You can prep for hard times and should...
  14. speckledhen


    There are "loose" covenants, but no HOA. It's technically a subdivision, but only restricts pigs and mobile homes.
  15. speckledhen


    I don't those could apply here. There are two things on that page that concern me: Quote: What records could I show? I don't sell anything or breed anything. Quote: Not sure on that last one. There is one restriction here in my development that prohibits pigs. We can have any other...
  16. speckledhen


    I think I'd swelter in Dothan-that's in far southern Alabama. My cousins live grew up in Centre, Alabama, way up further north, so I'm familiar with part of that area, or used to be when I was younger. I've been hijacking the Who owns 5 Acres? thread for way too long so I will whine over here...
  17. speckledhen


    Lacy, I'm not a vet and it's hard to say without being able to touch and examine it myself. Could be he cracked a bone in there. The usual thing says you'd loosely secure it to his body and give him a baby aspirin for a few days to help with any swelling, but that's all I can offer.
  18. speckledhen


    Will Morrow started with birds from Ideal and some hatchery in Alabama and bred from there, or that's what he told someone who asked him.
  19. speckledhen


    She's around Georgetown and Lexington, northwest of Hazard, but she didn't feel it.
  20. speckledhen


    EARTHQUAKE!!! We felt it today, for over 30 seconds. It hit, apparently, around Hazard, KY, but we were watching a series of youtubes together, DH and me, and the whole house shook. Just found reports of the quake. They're sure becoming more frequent now; have had four of five we actually felt...
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