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  1. C

    You know you love your chickens when...

    You know you love your chickens when... you spend the time and $$ to lite up the girls residence because the nights are coming sooner and sooner, so they can have more wakey wakey time...and yes, they do also have a box fan set up so they don't have uncomfortable nights when it's hot. SPOILED...
  2. C

    You know you love your chickens when...

    you know you love your chickens go out into the pouring rain to check on them and work on fixing leaks, over flowing rain barrel thats flooding the enclosure and get soaked to the bone even though you got rain gear on...all so they stay warm and dry yup...welcome to sunny florida
  3. C

    You know you love your chickens when...

    That is funny about the red nail polish.  A friend was in the chicken yard with me - I alsways take my friends to the yard to see the chickens.  She was wearing flip flops- and had red nail polish.  My Buff Orpington kept pecking her toes.  She had to get behind me to escape the peckage. ...
  4. C

    You know you love your chickens when...

    1st...16 paws? Is it like a Hatchi story or what? 2nd... you know you love your chickens when you set up a kiddie pool in their yard so they can cool off in the heat of the day and set cooler packs in the nest box. I'd show a picture of Jeanie standing in the water bowl but my phone is 2...
  5. C

    You know you love your chickens when...

    Bet most folks on here can sympathise with you. So sorry, hope all goes well and she recovers.
  6. C

    You know you love your chickens when...

    Uhm...they didn't wear diapers and aprons but last Thanksgiving we ate outside because the weather was so beautiful and we let the chickens mill around for the "pilgrim feel" My wife's mom got a kick out of feeding the chickens turkey bits.
  7. C

    You know you love your chickens when...

    Daaaaaang! I wanna live with your chickens!
  8. C

    You know you love your chickens when... this thread...and BYC et al! You know you love your chickens when; the minute you start getting pre-hatch signs you text EVERYBODY you know, toss out pics and updates like crazy during all the hatches in progress and like us, last night...worry all night that the last egg may not be...
  9. C

    You know you love your chickens when...

    When I read the original post from fly wheel about the phone in the nest box, that was the first thing I thought too...I am NOT alone!" Come to think about it... as much time is spent in the hen houses, coops and yards, it's actually a miracle our phones don't have more...poop accidents, falls...
  10. C

    You know you love your chickens when...

    or on the low roost...been there....did that Saturday, wondered why the hen house was ringing...
  11. C

    You know you love your chickens when...

    I just wanted to thank all of yall for your understanding how my wife and I are basically...mournin for our hen Tippy having passed. She truly was a sweet little hen. Your kind words are making it better. She come home from work the other day upset on account of how people'd given her this...
  12. C

    You know you love your chickens when...

    You know you love your chickens when~~ you do all you can when you note you hen is not well. And after trips to the vet that come up $$$ and with no resolution...make the call to have the vet help her on her way to no more suffering. I don't mean to bum anyone out but I'm very sad we lost...
  13. C

    You know you love your chickens when...

    Update on Tipp my chicken that wasn't herself and we ended up taking her to the vet She's got a blocked up crop, alright. She's staying the day there while they do what all they going to do to "get things moving" So glad I check their crops regular...and their poop. Listen, check em, folks...
  14. C

    You know you love your chickens when...

    you know you love your chicken when... You notice your sweet lil babe isn't herself. So you give her a check up; check her vent, feel her belly, her crop, and find she may have an issue so you give her a nice warm bath, really good around her vent so you can see if she's blocked up. Give her...
  15. C

    You know you love your chickens when...

    I'd pay to see that!
  16. C

    You know you love your chickens when...

    Warm their feed? Are you kidding me? On cold mornings they get oatmeal made just for them! Sometimes scrambled eggs!
  17. C

    You know you love your chickens when...

    you know you love your chickens when...they start laying eggs and you text the news to everyone you know and post it everywhere...each day you get an egg. Complete with pictures
  18. C

    You know you love your chickens when...

    - A personal peek into a fellow chicken lovers life - Wake up before the alarm each morning to the first notes of "cocka doodle doo" send me out into the predawn chill in my boxers, muck boots, coat and towel to go into the chicken house and wrap Marlin the Magnificent up. Tell the cu cooing...
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