2015 August hatch-a-long!!

I have a high-quality incubator and followed all the rules on how to position and turn my eBay eggs and mine all quit also. I opened them up yesterday and all but one looked like they were unfertilized, though I saw veins in them on day 8. I'm not sure what went wrong but I can only assume that the shipping scrambled the DNA or whatever.

I hope the others hatch!

I'm glad I'm not the only one. I don't think I will order shipped eggs again. I just wish there was more people who do local eggs. All I have locally are Easter egger eggs. Awe well. Maybe I will get a rooster out of the eggs I have left!!
I'm glad I'm not the only one. I don't think I will order shipped eggs again. I just wish there was more people who do local eggs. All I have locally are Easter egger eggs. Awe well. Maybe I will get a rooster out of the eggs I have left!!

I have not had luck even with eggs I have gone and picked up. This year I purchased 3 lots of eggs that were within 3 hours driving range: 6 for 32, 22 for 48 and 3 for 24. 8 chicks hatched but didnt make it. I think next year I will buy chicks if I need to. The 1 breed I wanted and I only had 1 chick survive.
I have not had luck even with eggs I have gone and picked up. This year I purchased 3 lots of eggs that were within 3 hours driving range: 6 for 32, 22 for 48 and 3 for 24. 8 chicks hatched but didnt make it. I think next year I will buy chicks if I need to. The 1 breed I wanted and I only had 1 chick survive.

Have you ever tried to incubate eggs from your own flock or with a broody??
Congrats!!! They are adorable! I can actually see the reddish colored one.
Are there cedar chips mixed in with pine?
Hi, this the bedding that I got at the farm supply store. Told them what I needed it for and they directed me to it. I believe it might have some cedar in there. Is that bad? I am new at this so tell me if I should be using something else. I have 2 pullets outside in a coop that I put this bedding in as well because I read that you should avoid straw because it holds moisture and can create bacteria.


I set a dozen buff orpington mix eggs well I ended up with 5 going into lockdown and well 4 are fully hatched and the last baby must have gotten mixed up in it's shell because it pipped and zipped a little and then just stopped. I don't interfere when the chicks are hatching I use natural selection(harsh I know). I'm still a happy camper my cooler bator did so well!
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Loving all of the pics, congrats guys! I promise I'll share chick pics of my first 2 hatches. I've been busy, and they're growing like little weeds!

I have 2 more batches cooking right now, due to hatch on the 24th and 29th, I believe. I've also got 6 duck eggs in the incubator, but they aren't set to hatch until the first week of September.

Edited to add:
Before I forget again, here they are! It's hard to tell, but there are nearly 40 chicks all piled up in the corner!
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I incubated my eggs in the brooder with the chicks also. I put them under a heat light, in a bowl, in a towel. The towel covered the top to keep them moist and prevent over-heating and the bottom of the towel was moist. I only lost one of the four chicks with this method, though the others did need help out. They are all doing wonderfully now, some of the biggest chicks I have ever seen!

As for the one with walking problems, try offering save-a-chick. My chicks all couldn't walk and I held them in my hand in the upright position, offered them water, and eventually, after a couple of days, they learned on their own.

Best of luck!
thank you so much! Actually today she's standing up. She's a little wobbly but she's on her feet and walking!!! Thank you Lord! And thank you for your advice! Haven't had any new hatchlings yet.
Hi, this the bedding that I got at the farm supply store.  Told them what I needed it for and they directed me to it.  I believe it might have some cedar in there.  Is that bad?  I am new at this so tell me if I should be using something else.  I have 2 pullets outside in a coop that I put this bedding in as well because I read that you should avoid straw because it holds moisture and can create bacteria.
well yes.... I've heard the cedar makes it very hard for the lil ones to breathe. It smells great to us... But it's hard on their systems. Even with my grown hens and rooster,I don't use it. I use just the pine chips. You might want to pick out the cedar pieces just to be safe(in the brooder). And then,I would remove what's in the other coop and replace it with the pine chips. They're really precious!
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So after doing so reading on leg issues on thebforum and learning center I grabed my roll of masking take (thinking this would be the least stick tape I had in the house) and taked the leg into the proper position yesterday morning. Yesterday afternoon she was looking a lot Bette so I took the take off, turns out any tape inter a heat lamp gets VERY sticky. She is moving perfectly fine with her leg in the proper position. She is a little wobbly but doing great. I have ten chicks right now after two quit mid hatch yesterday morning and I have another 20 eggs im waiting to see if they will hatch. I have my fingers crossed on the reat of them since we are 4 days past their hatch date. Its been so much fun being part of this hatch along and I have learned a lot. Im planing on doing one more hatch as soon as I get all these eggs hatched, or not.

I saw your post earlier, just catching up. Was going to post an idea but see that you have things going well! I use a cup for those that do this once in a while, for about a half a day or a little longer. It's always that left leg that stays straightened out too. Glad that baby is doing well!

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