2015 August hatch-a-long!!

I personally love muts. It's always a great surprise seeing the different colors

Really ? Cool! Yea they're really gorgeous! Thanks to you and to Cynthia 12 for your sweet posts.
!!! Woot!
Best of luck! I hope you have a great hatch
Thanks! I bought a new incubator (HB 2362E) this spring and I think I finally have it figured out. I was trying to run it at the same temperature as my old one (HB 2362N). I have had great hatches with my older one (about 6 years old) at a slightly higher temperature even though it has the turbo fan too. But my new one must keep more of the heat in because it seems like I can run it right on the 100 mark. I set 31 eggs total, but had to remove 6 that were clear. Considering that we were having temperatures above 100 outside for several weeks before and while I was collecting eggs, I was pleased. Also one egg looks to be an early quitter. So on Day 15 I have 24 eggs that look great!
I want another OE out there so bad. Can you show us the color of your eggs?
Well....you'll have to wait about 5 months
. These will be first generation OE. They are out of my Splash Copper Maran Rooster and Amerucana hens. I really like this cross because most of my chicks turn out to be a Blue/Gray/Silver color. (Everybody seems to call it a different color when they see them.) I have a weakness for blue in my chickens.
I'm still here guys, just nothing to report really. My first batch of eggs for this hatch goes into lockdown on the 21st, and the next hatch will follow close behind.
I had more eggs collected to do one last hatch in September, but none of my eggs from this hatch were quitters and they were all fertile. I'd held the September eggs too long and decided to just put them in the fridge. Now I'm waffling on whether or not I want to hatch again. I've got chicks coming out of my ears! If my DH and I get my new brooder built soon, I'll probably go ahead and do one. If not, then I'll let it go.
Next hatch is all EEs and OEs. My Silkies and Sizzles are all either broody or molting, so theres not much going on in the way of fertile eggs with them.

I've already got almost 40 chicks in the brooder, so I'm not really sure how I'm going to move everyone around to make room for the new chicks yet. Chicken math :oops:

Congrats to everyone with new nuggets, and good luck :fl to all of those who are still waiting!
I've already got almost 40 chicks in the brooder, so I'm not really sure how I'm going to move everyone around to make room for the new chicks yet. Chicken math
Totally understand the feeling! I think it helps to keep us thinking...aren't working puzzles suppose to be good for you...helping to keep our brains from dry rotting or something like that.
I'm on day 20 and still nothing. I hope I get at lease one fuzzy butt. I also have a new bator coming today so I'm going to try that out with some Easter egger eggs prob sometime over the weekend.
LOL, something like that!

My DH and I have made plans to start construction on my new (bigger) brooder on Friday. Knowing my luck, it'll rain or something. But, that's the plan and if it actually happens, I'll move fuzzies around and start a September hatch :woot
Sounds like fun! Make sure you share pictures when you are done building your brooder. I have gotten so many great ideas from others that way, as I am sure many others have as well!

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