2015 August hatch-a-long!!

First one pipped this morning... Unfortunately it was at the wrong end and he hit a blood vessel...
not a great start. Hoping some others will pip soon. It is a compromised clutch, we had painters painting the house, and they unplugged the extension chord for the incubator. I only had about 8 that survived that ordeal.

I'm sorry to hear that. I hope all the others hatch and are strong and healthy!
Can you put the tractor in the run and clip some holes in it so that the chicks can get in and out of the tractor, but the hens can't get in? Like a chick 'panic room'?

That's a great idea! I've done that with my chicks and it really works!

They do that for sheep, calves, goats and pigs, its called "creep feeding". Its a great way to make sure all the baby food isn't just eaten by adults.
Congratulations on the babies. On the legbars how many boys/girls?

Hey Hun! Sorry wish I had an answer for you we've been dealing with the same thing but hopefully now that our aggressive roo is gone we can get our other birds out there in the main flock

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