
Well, here's the early pipper- there's something so endearing about the tiny triangles of shells that stick to their backs!
And here he is dried off with the second. Black Sex Links- cockerels, I think.

Does anyone know if Wyandotte hens possess a barring gene? In other words, will their offspring with a BCM be sex linked?
Wyandottes are not, typically, barred. If the Wyandottes are silver laced or Columbian, then the offspring with a BCM rooster should be red sexlinks, but given the black down of the birchen genes of the BCM, you will not be able to sex the chicks until they feather in. Males will be black with silver, eventually developing red through the shoulder as they mature. Females will be black with gold/red.
 Are these our first NYD hatch a long hatch?   Sweet babies.  Always sweet.  :)
They were supposed to be closer to NYD, but my shipment of Biele eggs came almost a week before their scheduled date, so after letting them settlefor almost 2 days, I figured it wasn't wise to wait any longer - so, they're all a few days early. I don't think I qualify as 1st. But, I always love a good participation ribbon.
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Wyandottes are not, typically, barred. If the Wyandottes are silver laced or Columbian, then the offspring with a BCM rooster should be red sexlinks, but given the black down of the birchen genes of the BCM, you will not be able to sex the chicks until they feather in. Males will be black with silver, eventually developing red through the shoulder as they mature. Females will be black with gold/red.
I probably should have clarified black laced silver as my Wyandotte type.yeah, I didn't think it was a barred bird, I just wondered because the chick that came from the cross has a big white spot on its head, just like my little male BR/BCM crosses.

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