A Most Frightening Roaming Dog Pack Story


9 Years
Jan 27, 2010
How scary is THIS??!!

A pack of dogs has killed about 100 animals in the past three months in northeastern Washington state while eluding law enforcement and volunteers.

...Authorities are warning residents to take whatever steps are necessary to protect their families and animals because the dogs appear to be killing for fun rather than food. No humans have been attacked, but officers fear that could happen.

"We have this pack that is out there killing for the sake of killing," Webb said. "What is going to happen if they come across a small child?"

..."Trying to figure out where they are going to hit is next to impossible," Webb said. "Nobody is claiming ownership of any animals involved in the pack."

One resident managed to take some photographs of the pack, and it seems to include four or five large dogs. It's not clear if the dogs are wild or if some or all go home to owners during the day, Webb said. It's also not known what breed they are.

Whole story at the link: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/n/a/2011/06/09/national/a130725D78.DTL#ixzz1OoQxI9Bz

only should this be a heads-up to BYC members in this area, it also should be required reading for every irresponsible neighbor who lets the family dogs roam. The tragedy of lost livestock could escalate into attacks on people who are unaware of this situation.
There used to be dog packs out here. We're out in the country, about 20 miles from the nearest town and lots of people dumped dogs out here. Needless to say, they were eliminated. Out here it's not a problem to shoot stray or roaming dogs.
My husband was menaced by a dog pack a few years ago. He was out in the pasture and didn't have a gun. Luckily, there was a mule in the pasture, and he chased the dogs off! I hope everyone in that area is safe...
This is why it makes me crazy when someone says "oh, maybe it's someone's pet! Try to catch it". Nope, no way. Dogs that pack up are highly dangerous. Shoot first and shoot to kill. Don't take any chances with roaming groups of dogs.
Yep, we had a dog pack pin my sisters horse against the side of our barn, my father and grandfather shot two of them. I was about 5 or 6, still remember how scared I was. People who dump dogs should be made to spend the night on a lonely country road (dirt) with a pack roaming.

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