Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

About 3 months ago we picked up 3 day olds from a local breeder who did her best to sex them. We are now afraid 2 of them are roosters. Any advice?

Bird 1 - We are thinking this is a pullet


Bird 2


Bird 3


We were hoping one would end up being a roo so that we could breed, but a little disappointed that 2 might be.


1st one is a pullet and 3rd one is definitely a roo... black one am not sure on, hard to see it well... can you get more pics?
Please give a welcome and support to the incoming slate of officers, effective 1/1/17, for the Ameraucana Breeders Club:

Nominations ended yesterday, and with no opposing candidates, the nominees all win by acclamation:

President: Clif Redden
Secretary/Treasurer: Susan Mouw
Western District Director: Jean Ribbeck
North Central District Director: Gordon Gilliam
North East District Director: Larry Clionsky
South East District Director: Don Cash
South Central District Director: Paul Smith

There will still be an election, but only the changes to the Constitution (posted earlier) will be included.
Thank you, everyone!
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Thank you for an honest evaluation. Also, I have a black Ameraucana from the same hatch with a few white feathers in her beard, directly under the beak and another with a few white feathers near the base of the tail. One bird has a single barred feather. At 12 weeks, do you think they'll grow out of that or is the white also leakage that will get worse like the red leakage? Let me know if you need pictures.

Those are baby feathers and sometimes you will get a white feather come in if there is follicle damage because of picking. I would let them grow out to see what happens.
Can this same kind of thing happen to a rooster after a fight?

I can answer this one... yes, it sure can... I've seen it in when a bird got picked on a bit as well... plucked several off her head, she was a black, and they regrew with lots of white... seen it in ducks as well when a pair of drakes scuffled and pulled out a handful of breast feathers, those grew back in very 'frosted' and patchy white...

But when they went through their regular molts the feathers all came back in properly colored...

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