Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

Anyone planning on heading to the Heart of Dixie Show in Anniston, AL this weekend? It is the ABC's first Alabama Meet (actually two meets - state and special). Look for the little old lady that is wondering around looking confused - that'll be me! I'd love to meet other fanciers of this great breed! - Susan
Wish I could... :/ Already doing a 6hr one way roadtrip now to pick up some new acquisitions... Let us know how it goes, please! :)
So in love with my new baby girl!
That is a gorgeous blue!! :love

One of my hatches early this summer came up with whites. I thought it was out of my BBS hatch, but it may have been my splash wheaten and my blue tailed red(was supposed to be a BW). Not an issue since they went to a home that wanted pretty blue egg layers but I could not figure out how that happened.
I love my birds. We have 4 of the different coloring patterns and ours aren't as skittish as some because my son and I have played with them since they were little. They do like escaping though; our stand by the big wire door to the coop.

We know we have a good rooster and that the eggs were fertile but couldn't get any of the eggs to fully develop and hatch when we had other kinds at the same time that did develop and hatch. Do I need a different temp for these?
I have had a really bum year as well with 4-5 hatches and had few to hatch. I have used my eggs, and I have bought some plus used 2 different incubators. Hopefully, I will have a better one next year, but I won't start hatching until Feb-Mar. If I continue to be unsuccessful, I will just give up hatching my own.
Hummm I wonder if it was an off year. Our trial and error started in May. How long do you wait for yours? I was told somewhere between 21 and 28 days.
Seems there's been difficulties all year in lots of different places with hatching this year... I hatched last winter with no problem, got into Spring and hatch rate plummeted bad... when I switched to incubating without water it did go back up...

@dstokely do you add water while incubating? Seeing that you're in TN too, I think the ambient humidty was rough this year... :confused:
Seems there's been difficulties all year in lots of different places with hatching this year... I hatched last winter with no problem, got into Spring and hatch rate plummeted bad... when I switched to incubating without water it did go back up...

@dstokely do you add water while incubating? Seeing that you're in TN too, I think the ambient humidty was rough this year...
Yes, I did add water. kept the humidity 45-55% for first two weeks, then upped it to 60-70% for the last week. I am in ETN, in the mountains.
Hummm I wonder if it was an off year. Our trial and error started in May. How long do you wait for yours? I was told somewhere between 21 and 28 days.

I quit at 25 days. The last hatch, I had one hatch at 18 days and of course it did not make it. The others, the first couple on the eve of day 21, then up to 22, but that was it. Had 7 out of 40!!!!!
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Yes, I did add water.  kept the humidity 45-55% for first two weeks, then upped it to 60-70% for the last week.  I am in ETN, in the mountains.

Hiya from the other side! lol :frow

I ran my Easter batch at that level and most were DIS... lots of excess liquid in the shells... after that I ran dry, humidity around 30% then 65% after first pip, and hatched 37 out of 42...

Don't give up, maybe just try something different? :)

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