Any Home Bakers Here?

Hello All, I have NOT been able to use my computer. AOL is converting to another system and still working on it. My husband was able to get me on AOL Desktop 9.7. I am reading all old posts am on 1197 trying to catch up. What is the new contest?
I do not want to turn my computer off....I may not be able to get back on. I MISS ALL OF YOU. I made a new recipe for Multi Grain bread and it made 3 large tins each loaf 3 pounds. Aria

Hope you get things worked out soon :hugs
Thanks Penny for sending the recipe. Ron thanks for your message.
So far so good....I am able to get on. Who knows how long it will last. AOL I understand was purchased from Verizon???This may be one reason.

And Penny gave me some info about BYC Favorites? How? What>
so glad to be able to be in touch with ALL of you. Aria
Has anyone figured out how to make nice baquettes without a steam oven? I would be happy with brotchen as well. Just our US ovens don't do the same as professional European models.

this is the king arthur recipe going down the page there is baguette pans
in case someone cannot open the page
Poolish (Starter)
  1. Poolish

    Combine the flour, water and yeast; mix until well-blended. Let the poolish rise, covered, at cool room temperature for 12 to 24 hours. It should dome slightly on top, and look aerated and bubbly. Try to catch it before it starts to fall, as it will be at its optimum flavor and vigor when it's at its highest point.
  2. Mixer method: Place the flour, yeast and salt in the bowl of your mixer. Pour some of the water around the edges of the poolish in its container to loosen it. Pour the poolish and water onto the flour. Using the flat beater paddle, mix the dough on low speed for 3 minutes, adding more flour or water if necessary to bring the dough together. The dough should look a little sticky, but should clean the sides of the bowl. Switch to the dough hook, knead for 4 minutes, cleaning the dough from the hook at the 2-minute mark.
  3. Bread machine method: Place the flour, yeast and salt in the bucket of your bread machine. Pour some of the water around the edges of the poolish in its container to loosen it. Pour the poolish and water onto the flour. Program the machine for dough and press Start. Check the dough after about 10 minutes of kneading; add more flour or water if needed to create a sticky dough.
  4. To mix by hand: In a large bowl, combine the dough ingredients with the poolish. Stir until the dough begins to come together. Oil your hands and use a dough scraper to knead the dough right in the bowl - this will help knead the dough without adding too much flour.
  5. Transfer the dough to a lightly oiled bowl (or oil your mixer bowl, and leave it in there). Cover the bowl, and let the dough rise for 2 hours, folding it over after the first hour (or more frequently, if the dough is very slack or wet; this folding helps strengthen the gluten).
  6. Divide the dough into three pieces and gently pre-form it into rough logs. Let it rest for 20 minutes, and then shape it into baguettes. Proof the baguettes, covered, on your baguette pan until they're puffy looking, 30 to 40 minutes.
  7. Preheat your oven (and your baking stone, if you have one) to 500°F. Just before putting the loaves into the oven, slash the tops several times. Hold your knife at a 45° angle to the dough's surface, and slice quickly and decisively, about 1/2-inch deep. Spritz the loaves with water, place them in the oven, and reduce the oven temperature to 475°F. Bake the loaves for 18 to 24 minutes. Remove the loaves from the oven when they're a deep, golden brown, and transfer them to a rack to cool.
Tips from our bakers
  • If desired, you may create more steam in the oven by spraying water into it twice during the first 5 minutes of baking. This extra moisture will help to create a crackly-crisp crust.

this is the king arthur recipe going down the page there is baguette pans
in case someone cannot open the page
Poolish (Starter)
  1. Poolish

    Combine the flour, water and yeast; mix until well-blended. Let the poolish rise, covered, at cool room temperature for 12 to 24 hours. It should dome slightly on top, and look aerated and bubbly. Try to catch it before it starts to fall, as it will be at its optimum flavor and vigor when it's at its highest point.
  2. Mixer method: Place the flour, yeast and salt in the bowl of your mixer. Pour some of the water around the edges of the poolish in its container to loosen it. Pour the poolish and water onto the flour. Using the flat beater paddle, mix the dough on low speed for 3 minutes, adding more flour or water if necessary to bring the dough together. The dough should look a little sticky, but should clean the sides of the bowl. Switch to the dough hook, knead for 4 minutes, cleaning the dough from the hook at the 2-minute mark.
  3. Bread machine method: Place the flour, yeast and salt in the bucket of your bread machine. Pour some of the water around the edges of the poolish in its container to loosen it. Pour the poolish and water onto the flour. Program the machine for dough and press Start. Check the dough after about 10 minutes of kneading; add more flour or water if needed to create a sticky dough.
  4. To mix by hand: In a large bowl, combine the dough ingredients with the poolish. Stir until the dough begins to come together. Oil your hands and use a dough scraper to knead the dough right in the bowl - this will help knead the dough without adding too much flour.
  5. Transfer the dough to a lightly oiled bowl (or oil your mixer bowl, and leave it in there). Cover the bowl, and let the dough rise for 2 hours, folding it over after the first hour (or more frequently, if the dough is very slack or wet; this folding helps strengthen the gluten).
  6. Divide the dough into three pieces and gently pre-form it into rough logs. Let it rest for 20 minutes, and then shape it into baguettes. Proof the baguettes, covered, on your baguette pan until they're puffy looking, 30 to 40 minutes.
  7. Preheat your oven (and your baking stone, if you have one) to 500°F. Just before putting the loaves into the oven, slash the tops several times. Hold your knife at a 45° angle to the dough's surface, and slice quickly and decisively, about 1/2-inch deep. Spritz the loaves with water, place them in the oven, and reduce the oven temperature to 475°F. Bake the loaves for 18 to 24 minutes. Remove the loaves from the oven when they're a deep, golden brown, and transfer them to a rack to cool.
Tips from our bakers
  • If desired, you may create more steam in the oven by spraying water into it twice during the first 5 minutes of baking. This extra moisture will help to create a crackly-crisp crust.
Great recipe!

Has anyone figured out how to make nice baquettes without a steam oven? I would be happy with brotchen as well. Just our US ovens don't do the same as professional European models.
There is a way but it seems a bit pricey:

ceramic baguette.jpg

It is less expensive than a steam oven though.
These little "Dutch Oven" steamers I was aware of. And yes this one is a bit expensive. For what it does. Still I bet it does make a great product. But I could spend the same money on a spot welder and sheetmetal and make something like this.
I agree! Plus it only makes 3 at a time. I usually make 6 at a time

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