Any Home Bakers Here?

@penny1960 My sister was trying to talk me into getting an air fryer. I don't think I need another appliance sitting on my limited counter space, my oven does do convection cooking so pretty much the same thing.
I bought a 6 in 1 pressure cooker and I love it, but it was moved to the basement when we were having a party and needed to clean up the kitchen. And there it sits. I will get it back into the kitchen somehow. I think I need to empty my lower cabinets and bust out some shelves so I can get some of that stuff in there. I would like to make some can racks for canned goods that I buy alot of. Like canned corn, green beans, tomatoes, peas and soups. I need to get some plans made up and just do it.
wyoDreamer, Sounds like a good plan. I brought a lot of supplies I kept in the basement store room....UP. I organized a closet and put
a bunch of supplies in there. I do NOT want to go up and down stairs
when need things like toilet paper, paper towels, etc. It DOES MAKE A LOT OF SENSE. Make life simpler. Aria
I see the Google Sheets and That is it.....I cannot open tried to open and could not. It is happening on my U tube account too. I can view...I cannot answer reply or list a comet ...An Google Chrome keeps asking me to sign in. Problem doing that. I have little patience right now and just
refrain from doing what I cannot do. Thanks Aria

Every time my computer gets updated I have to sign to every account.
I am looking for good tasting gluten free bread recipe using 1-1 gluten free flours. not mushy--close to regular bread taste!

CT, if you're interested, I can send you this cook book put out by America's Test Kitchen. It has breads, and all sorts of g-f recipes in it. I bought it back when I thought gluten was causing me problems but turns out that wasn't an issue so the book has just sat on the counter never used.

If you want me to send it to you, drop me a PM with your mailing address.

All the NEW BREAD talk around our area is Dave's Killer Seed Bread and other kinds of bread his bakery makes. Background: he has been in prison and decided to develop Healthy Whole Grains and Seeded Breads.
I just heard about it....AND I am going to try Copy-Cat....see if I an make a same type bread. A New adventure. Keep you posted. Aria

That's the way.

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