Any Home Bakers Here?

@chickmom3941 try not to overthink the Sourdough Starter. It is pretty easy. Considering it traveled across this great country in a covered wagon, you got it handled. Mine just came out of the fridge after 2 months of neglect - no feeding, stirring or anything. Added flour and water and it is right as rain. It made muffins just fine.
So very true!
If it has been in the fridge for a long time, I will toss half of it and add half a cup of flour. Several hours later or over night, I will add more flour and a bit less than the half cup of water. It always comes back!
Only toss if it turns pink. Pink is bad for sourdough....good for raspberry buttercream frosting though!
I did pour off the dark grey liquid on top when I rescued my starter. I don't like to stir that back in, I did that a couple of times back in Wyoming and it turns the starter an unappetizing shade of grey. Then I don't use it.
The liquid on top is high in alcohol. The old times used to drink it! They called it hooch
Pumpkin Rolls sound divine! Are you willing to share the recipe?

I made Pumpkin muffins once. I liked them - DH said not again. I seem to have lost the recipe also. I guess he really did not like them...
Sure, happy to share! I must say beforehand, though, that these rolls don't really taste like pumpkin. Still, they are an excellent soft, slightly moist roll, and come out a beautiful slightly gold-orange color. The only thing I do differently with this recipe is after I brush them with the egg wash, I sprinkle poppy seeds on top. The black poppy seeds look gorgeous contrasting against the nice golden color, and they add a touch of sophistication to the rolls, as well.


1/2 oz. active dry yeast (Two .25 oz. packs)
1 C. warm 2% low-fat milk (110-115 degrees F)
1/3 C. unsalted butter, softened
1/2 C. sugar
1 C. canned pumpkin puree (NOT pie filling)
2 eggs
1 tea. salt
5-1/2 - 6 C. flour, divided

1 Tbsp. cold water
1 egg

**Optional from chickmom3941 - poppy seeds, if desired

In a large mixing bowl, dissolve the yeast in the warm milk. Add butter, sugar, pumpkin, 2 eggs, salt, and 3 C. flour. Stir in enough of remaining flour to form a soft dough. Turn onto a lightly floured surface - knead until smooth and elastic-like (should take about 5-7 minutes). Place in a large greased bowl and turn once to grease top. Cover with a clean towel and let rise in a warm place until doubled - takes about 1 hour. Punch dough down; turn onto lightly floured surface; divide in half. Shape each portion into 12 balls (so you'll have 24 balls total). Roll each ball into about a 10" rope; tie into a knot and tuck ends under. Place 2" apart on greased baking sheets. Cover again with towels and let rise until doubled - about 30 min.

Meanwhile, in a small bowl, whisk together water and remaining egg. When rolls are done doubling again, brush them with the egg wash (then sprinkle with poppy seeds, if using). Bake at 350 degrees for about 15 minutes or until golden brown.

Note from chickmom3941 - when shaping the rolls, I've found it much easier to tie the dough ropes into knots if I get a little flour on my fingers and run my fingers down the ropes so just a very slight amount of flour is applied to the ropes - then they tie more easily without sticking.
Ron, I have my Sourdough PDF File Thanks. AND I am wondering
can I make the Alaskan or The Drs Sourdough Bread....with YEAST?
...While I am waiting for my starter to arrive? Aria
Yeah, I am getting hungry reading this forum!!!

I have about 5-6# of brisket cooking in the slow cooker. The chicken feed is fermenting. About to go feed the masses again. Will use up the rest of the canned pickles and the fresh fruit recently picked from the fruit trees. AND the canned applesauce. I love having animals, but dang, they eat a lot!!! Their feed bill is double plus mine! And they free range AND eat garden goodies!

Love german chocolate frosting and peach cobbler...will have some peaches coming ripe in the next few weeks. Into a cobbler they will go!
Ron, I have my Sourdough PDF File Thanks. AND I am wondering
can I make the Alaskan or The Drs Sourdough Bread....with YEAST?
...While I am waiting for my starter to arrive? Aria
It should work--add a couple of packets and sub 1\2cup water for the starter in the sponge. The yeast will make a culture overnight. It will likely take a different amount of flour too.

Let us know how it works!

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