Anyone else EXCITED to be getting baby chicks in the mail soon??

Well nothing exciting really, but my first EVER chicks so I'm over the moon excited about them! I am getting 14 Jumbo Cornish X Males, and 12 Cornish Roaster Straight Run, and a free exotic, most likely male
I'm hoping for packing peanuts, but they are coming from McMurray, so they aren't really known for them.

I went and got a chick supplement , clip on light, light bulb, 10# fine cracked corn, 50# broiler feed, a bale of pine shavings, feeder and gallon water holder tonight at the grain store, just have to set up the brooder (I think we're going to use a big rubbermaid) and figure out where we are putting it while they will be inside...but we should have everything to get started!

Chicks are coming the second week in March!!
*I* am excited and I haven't even ordered any yet!

I keep telling myself to simply repeat last Autumn's events (to some extent) and just get chicks from the feed store again. There's a chance they might actually HAVE Welsummers, if I call every Thursday when their shipments come in. And they are expecting some Partridge Cochins, so maybe they'll get some dark colored ones.

But I don't think I'll be able to find any Buckeyes or Speckled Sussex at any West Coast feed store. *wistful sigh*

In the interim, I have a chick order sitting in "the shopping cart" at MyPetChicken; I haven't yet gotten the nerve to complete the ordering process.
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I'm geting 16 chicks march 23!!!!!!!!!!!!!8 mixed and 8 barred rock I can't wait!
Well, they are scheduled to arrive the week of March 7th..2 Auracanas, one Salmon Faverolle and one Golden Campine. Very excited to add to my girls!!! Ordered from McMurray...
I'm SO excited!!! I can't WAIT for mine to get here!!! The suspense is killing me! I ordered from Ideal and they are due to ship on March 3rd.

I ordered:
9 White Crested Black Polish Bantams
9 Ameraucana (Easter Eggers) Bantams
3 Partidge Silkie Bantams

They cannot get here soon enough!!!!
I wish I was, though. Baby chicks are quite possibly some of THE cutest animal babies in the world.

Enjoy your little cutie-pies!
I just finished my order with Purely Poultry for my first chickens ever! I'm pretty excited, but I don't think anyone within earshot wants to hear me say the "c word" again any time soon, so I figured I better come here and get it all out-
I know how that is. No one wanted to hear me for weeks! When I ordered last year it was January and I didn't get them until April 1st. What a drag that was!
This year I know better!

I will have 2 each of Jersey Giants, speckled Sussex, Buff Chanteclers, and Salmon Faverolles

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